Recent content by zeztuknar

  1. zeztuknar

    Average Maps Done At An Irresponsibly Fast Pace

    lol i ran out of them im to lazy to make more
  2. zeztuknar

    Average Maps Done At An Irresponsibly Fast Pace

    i did think it would take alot longer but you only need to kill 3 of them to do the obj, but it was aids to run the younlings kept blocking shots
  3. zeztuknar

    Average Maps Done At An Irresponsibly Fast Pace

    haha cheers the music a bit random thought id try to fit your theme lol and yeah thats probs a better way to time it
  4. zeztuknar

    Average Maps Done At An Irresponsibly Fast Pace

    idk if your joking because the map is literally just waiting 1minute for the door to open then walk through and hack the console across from you
  5. zeztuknar

    Average Maps Done At An Irresponsibly Fast Pace

    idk why i never thought to do this good idea, love speedrunning