Recent content by TronTheNoob

  1. TronTheNoob

    The Wrist Laser is Rather Silly

    Not sure if you're grouping all those together as one buff. Wasn't my intention, they're separate ideas. But, I'll omit, pretty much anything done to the wrist laser right now that isn't a nerf would be some form of buff. My point was to say I'm not trying to drastically increase mando power...
  2. TronTheNoob

    The Wrist Laser is Rather Silly

    PLEASE BE AWARE: This is not intended to be a "buff mando plz" thread, I think they're fine where they are. This is more a thread to try and give a useless point slot in mando builds some love. Mandos have been my favorite class to use since I started playing some 500hrs of game time ago. The...
  3. TronTheNoob

    New to game

    Goliath isn't a real robot? It's like Santa all over again...
  4. TronTheNoob

    suggestion for jetpack kick

    I feel like the potential to give mandos the option to specialize in close-quarters wouldn't be such a bad idea. Obviously it would need to balanced out to keep them from becoming a kind of jack of all trades but I like the overall idea. Give me my ninja mandos.
  5. TronTheNoob

    New to game

    *It's Hyperintelligent AI must punctuate.
  6. TronTheNoob

    WORST Star Wars?

    At least Phantom Menace had the badassery that was Darth Maul, and Revenge of the Sith actually had a pretty good base story and some fun saber duels. Episode 2 just sucked across the board.
  7. TronTheNoob

    Version 1.4 Open Beta

    You are a god among men
  8. TronTheNoob

    Version 1.4 Open Beta

    6 hou, 3 h, 5 hour, 2 hou, 666 hours, 5 h, ALL THE HOURS left.