Recent content by SNAAAKE


    Real talk, the future of MBII and ...

    (quotes broke) MACE: "I give you evidence of Games with similar objectives (Team Based, Objective Based, Assault/Defend style) that restrict timelimit, and apparently I am wrong even though those people have been doing this for longer than you or I have been on this earth. They know what...

    Real talk, the future of MBII and ...

    Why is allowing admins to set something as simple as round length a controversy? Apparently peace in the middle east is more likely. I feel like I just opened the Ark of the Covenant.

    Just One Simple Request

    I'll be honest, I wish I hadn't clicked on this...

    Just One Simple Request

    I just started playing MBII and I'm hooked. It's breathed new life into one of my favorite games, and I cant believe I just found out it existed. After spending 30 hours with the game I have but 2 quibbles about duel. 1st, Would it be possible increase the length of rounds in duel? 5 minutes...