Recent content by SaberToothTiger

  1. SaberToothTiger

    [SOLVED] Better details on Installing Sir's.

    It's always the simple steps that I can overlook. Thanks. I just deleted the whole game, and reinstalled, then I just took he 1.3.1 zip alone and installed it. Before, I had other stuff in there. Thanks again! Now I can get to the light saber fights. Answer liked.
  2. SaberToothTiger

    [SOLVED] Better details on Installing Sir's.

    So I went to that "Installing Movie Battles 2" thread. IT would help alot more if I knew the patch he was talking about. I use to run on 2 mod installments to get MBII working. Ill sum this up as quickly as possible. Had JA - wiped computer - reinstalled JA months later I come to find...