Recent content by / s k u l z.

  1. / s k u l z.

    1.4.4 Hero dash bug

    Yeah sure, i've had it on both full and empty servers. But as you said, maybe that mini-lag made me count wrong and it might actually be the cooldown being engaged... I play hero most of the time and it is actually really annoying, 'cause those first seconds in a round means alot in a map like...
  2. / s k u l z.

    1.4.4 Hero dash bug

    Dash cooldown is 4s but here it is more like 2.5-3s, Also the cooldown bar is not active at that moment
  3. / s k u l z.

    1.4.4 Hero dash bug

    Summary of the bug When Hero spawn at beginning of round, you can't dash for about 2-3 seconds then suddenly can. Steps to duplicating the bug Each time a round start/you spawn, it happens, no exception. Include a demo/screen Can't be shown.