Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Pasha

  1. Pasha

    Star Wars Movie Battles 2 tk compilation #1

    this calls for MB2 Police
  2. Pasha

    Revy is here

    At first I thought you'd be the revan/revy(boy) from Finland I used to know ;_;
  3. Pasha

    Is back

    DG-dV[8] hacker*
  4. Pasha

    Is back

    Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your insults arrive -)
  5. Pasha

    Is back

    Hi/siema all I am back again so よろしく regards Pasha
  6. Pasha

    Character Specific Voicechat Replacement Pack

    This is just the beginning.
  7. Pasha

    Pasha is afk :-D

    Thannks guis for your endless support <3
  8. Pasha

    Pasha is afk :-D

    Hi/siema all. Once again the time has come to make my escape and enter the Japan system and into exile going and safe there being. The jump to hyperspace will be in range in 16 hours. See you in 10 months, unless I decide to install jka+mb2 on my shitii rapputoppu and play with 300 ping every...
  9. Pasha

    hi/Guten Tag :-D

    hi/Guten Tag :-D
  10. Pasha


  11. Pasha

    Goliath Shares A Year Long Journey

    This piece of artificial intelligence could use a sarcasm support update, though. But then again, wouldn't that be a tad too... human? xdddd
  12. Pasha

    how do you pronounce dotf

    ^ what ben says: [dɑːtf] or just simply [dotf] depending on the language -) even [dot'fo] in some occasions
  13. Pasha

    Why is this game so toxic?

    One can't get salty if one's small and peppery ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  14. Pasha

    Spam Wars, when???????? Ben: "Expect more in the summer!" (May 3, 2016)

    Spam Wars, when???????? Ben: "Expect more in the summer!" (May 3, 2016)
  15. Pasha

    Frag Video to kick the year off

    Is Armoured Assault Tank of Trade Federation :- D