Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Mr.Ovecka

  1. Mr.Ovecka

    [Request] Scope/Crosshair replacement

    Thank you I will try them
  2. Mr.Ovecka

    [Request] Scope/Crosshair replacement

    Title said all, I remeber that there was a plenty of nice looking crosshair replacements. Like laser dot and so on. Are they avaiable somewhere ?
  3. Mr.Ovecka

    [SOLVED] Screen resolution

    Oh my god :D Thanks, I did not have clue that this option can screw everything up.
  4. Mr.Ovecka

    [SOLVED] Screen resolution

    Hello its been a long time :) I jump on mb2 again, I got a new laptop. The old one has burned graphics card so I couldnt play. So my native screen resolution is 1920x1080. When I turn MB2 on it runs in default resolution of course.. so I went tothe setup picked custom resolution, typed there my...