Recent content by LaBelle

  1. LaBelle

    Non-Official Clan of the Year Awards 2018 (Nominations)

    why u heff ta be mad? is just gaem
  2. LaBelle

    Non-Official Clan of the Year Awards 2018 (Nominations)

    Clan/Group Name: Mandalorian Armed Forces Clan/Group Website/Server/Discord: They keep it secret, so I don't know if they'd want me giving it out. Short Reason for Nomination: Overwhelming kindness and support of new players, has yet to allow Fear into its ranks.
  3. LaBelle

    Resolute Community

    Resurrecting just to say hi
  4. LaBelle

    [Request] Replacement animations for different lightsaber stances to reflect forms 1-7

    A great idea. My own opinion is that we switch blue and cyan, but other than that it's pretty perfect. Totally welcome a discussion on this.