Recent content by Farseunleashed

  1. F

    Amateurz’s & Awsouki’s lovemade child, DDOS

    Reading all this tbh I'm more inclined to be against you. They aren't really proof of your "innocence" or anything. Someone said bad things about you? Oh no. Someone threatened you? Oh NO... Did something actually happen from all that? No? Of course not. Thats all it ever is, empty words. What...
  2. F

    Saber vs gunner

    I agree there is a lack of resources regarding this topic. I can share some of what I know regarding saber vs gunner, but keep in mind I'm not a big open player. Saber vs gunner can be tricky for both parties. Some argue its far easier for the saberist, and while that may be true because of...
  3. F

    Saber System Wish-list (25 points)

    I agree with everything except changing the purple stance. I especially agree with how counters are unreliable atm and it just promotes facehug combo spamming against counter-based styles like purpe/red. I dont like the peneke stances for purple and cyan, the stance for cyan feels like a mask...
  4. F

    Visually attractive/appealing dueling

    I dont find dueling attractive Im sorry, I don't swing that way, no pun intended.
  5. F

    Bring vehicles back into duelmode

    As long as they cant be used to interrupt/lame private duels by an outsider, I don't see why not. Currently I believe the e-web can be used to block duelists in a private duel. That is not exactly a vehicle, but I assume it functions as one
  6. F

    [STEAM LINK] Leons dueling guide

    Great guide. I'd personally like to see some more in-depth style vs style information thrown in there, but you can write a whole thesis on that and still not cover everything.
  7. F

    What is with the trolls not being banned

    Trolling is a natural aspect of MB2. Banning players, atleast permanently, is cringe on a game with low pop and does nothing but further reduce the playerbase. There's a difference between fun trolling and obnoxious malicious TKing. OMLETTE PRINCE at least does it in style, and doesnt...
  8. F

    What's with the sudden popularity of Legends?

    There's quite a few factors to this. At first it was seen as more of a safe haven for trolls to troll around in, but recently its become more and more "tryhard", and its easy to see why. The classes in legends have so many tools that good/veteran players are able to utilize the class' potential...
  9. F


    More than a couple days ban on a game that has low playerbase to begin with is the most cringe shit.
  10. F

    Guides/Help for Purple and Red styles.

    Red is better(or rather, more reliable/easier) than Purple, but Purple can be played quite well and hold its own against good yellow users and every other style, however it requires a lot more effort, probably the most in the game to get good at than any other style. I believe it has the highest...