Recent content by ez.EpicLoyd

  1. ez.EpicLoyd

    Technical Issue switched to rend 2 and then back to vulkan, can't play the game please help

    UPDATE: Figured few week ago...solution is to reset game config ( delete jampconfig ). Rend2 set some cvars which are not compatible with rd-vulkan :(
  2. ez.EpicLoyd

    Technical Issue switched to rend 2 and then back to vulkan, can't play the game please help

    Same for me. Have GTX 1650, Nvidia 512.78.0.0, Vulkan API: 1.3.194. Occurs not on every map. um_vjun ( Legacy Legends server ) is faulting 100%. EDIT: Smuggler works fine
  3. ez.EpicLoyd

    Reducing influence of high ping

    Hello there, i want to make a suggestion to mb2 dev team: Why not to add timeshifting techniques to feel more comfortable for ppl with high ping ( like me )? You can find one there: japp/g_unlagged.cpp at master · Razish/japp · GitHub Hope you'll implement this as it is almost impossible ( very...
  4. ez.EpicLoyd

    Technical Issue Low fps

    Ohai. I've got a problem. For unknown reasons my mb2 performance very low resulting low fps ( 15-25 ). I tried to set settings to medium but that doesn't worked et all. Any ideas?
  5. ez.EpicLoyd

    A Modern Renderer - Rend 2 (Graphics Mod)

    You'll be even more amazed looking at this: Star Wars: Warzone - JKHub
  6. ez.EpicLoyd

    Graphical Improvements

    It's okay i suppose. Both openjk and jamp use opengl)
  7. ez.EpicLoyd

    Graphical Improvements

    @Preston afaik sweetfx is for DX9/10/11 while mb2 is opengl. But you can use ReShade: ReShade .