Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Eaterofworlds

  1. Eaterofworlds

    Tried dueling in 1.4.8 again with some friends last night, the developers need to take a second and look back.

    You aren't wrong about people complaining, but it's never been anywhere close to as bad as it is now.
  2. Eaterofworlds

    Open is finally dead.

    Open died because people played nothing but Deathstar and DOTF. They're both classics, but people can only play the same two maps for so many years.
  3. Eaterofworlds

    Moviebattles II R20.0.06 Released

    Sure you could use force repulse to troll teammates, but it also served a good purpose and made you consider whether to use it or not because you wouldn't want to mess up your teammates and get them killed. Another bad change added to the list of many.
  4. Eaterofworlds

    Fix sabering

    If you want it fixed use the tool switcher to switch to build 1.4.8 and be glad dueling isn't crap anymore.
  5. Eaterofworlds

    Tried dueling in 1.4.8 again with some friends last night, the developers need to take a second and look back.

    I knew I remembered that build being way more fun and better than current, instead of taking the dueling in the wrong direction, could we please go back to that instead of the developers coping and saying they want to go forward and not backwards? Clearly something back then wasn't "backwards"...
  6. Eaterofworlds

    MBII Version Switcher

    Yes, also have another friend with the issue.
  7. Eaterofworlds


    You're out of your mind regarding mb2_duel_kamino, I can easily show you a video or screenshots comparing it to how it is now. Most obvious is Slave 1 being black, and I know many people with this issue so this isn't a "me" thing. MB2_duel_revan has white materials on parts of the bridge...
  8. Eaterofworlds


    You said it was growing and had more people than ever.
  9. Eaterofworlds


    I'm perfectly calm, just venting my frustrations out as a 2011 player.
  10. Eaterofworlds

    MBII Version Switcher

    A friend of mine is trying to download the files from the launcher for version 1.4.8 , and it gives him this error.
  11. Eaterofworlds

    MBII Version Switcher

    Thanks this is very helpful
  12. Eaterofworlds


    The problems of the past made the mod better, and what you may consider bad wasn't bad for most of the playerbase. That's why this shit is going six feet under now and has been for a long time because with every update you kill the mod further. You're breaking map visuals, you're messing the mod...
  13. Eaterofworlds

    You seriously nerfed speed lunge?

    AoD hasn't been here for a million years lol.
  14. Eaterofworlds

    Technical Issue Problems on Mustafar

    3060 TI, fully reinstalled the mod / game by deleting the entire folder and reinstalling. Console on Mustafar just says - "RE_AddPolyToScene: NULL poly shader Keep in mind Vulkan is fine, I would just like to find out what's going on with the OG engine because it worked fine for so long. I...