Recent content by dillzpicklez

  1. dillzpicklez

    Tempest's Saber Build

    @noel I think it is quite unwise to criticize a build you yourself haven’t even tested or played yet. Before bashing it, I think you should atleast give it a chance. Yes, you may have tested the nudge from a few builds ago but that doesn’t mean it’s the same broken one. I think what Stassin...
  2. dillzpicklez

    NA Dueling Championship - Weekly Challenger Tournaments

    You should add a list to the original post with those who are participating in the tournament. If people see who is going to be playing it might be an incentive for more people to sign up
  3. dillzpicklez

    Always trying to improve and open to criticism.

    Always trying to improve and open to criticism.
  4. dillzpicklez

    Someone Explain

    In my opinion, I feel like Saberist vs Gunner gameplay is actually quite balanced in its state right now although it’s not a perfect balance and may still need some work and special attention it still is playable. Saberists do have an advantage over gunners though because of the amount of...
  5. dillzpicklez

    Tempest's Saber Build

    This sounds great actually. Not the last part about the parry system though, simply because having two methods of blocking would be redundant and would make it needlessly complicated. But if we made it so it showed the corresponding mblock animation with a pblock, not only would it look more...
  6. dillzpicklez

    Tempest's Saber Build

    Defiled, flaming is not making any progress. All you did was manage to be extremely edgy and show childlike angst whilst making absolutely no point whatsoever at all. “I play dis patch it good, I play yo patch ur patch garbage.” That’s literally everyone right now pointlessly bickering stating...
  7. dillzpicklez

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    These features look amazing. This really does make the future of MBII brighter and leads it to the right direction. I never thought there was ever gonna be hope for noobs in this patch ever. Now we have tutorials and a simplified UI. I’m glad whoever is the lead dev are making these changes...
  8. dillzpicklez

    Wondering when the next patch is going to come out.

    Wondering when the next patch is going to come out.
  9. dillzpicklez

    My Sugestions Toward MB Disarms.

    Just take away disarm and turn it into a decently long stagger and remove the instant mblock counter. I might say just remove it entirely to be honest. The mblock counter is terrible where it is right now, you cannot avoid it. You probably will say be less predictable, or yaw or whatever. But...
  10. dillzpicklez

    Droideka Change

    Remove Deka. You shouldn’t be able to roll around dodging almost everything. Also aiming and movement are both extremely clunky. At least from my experiences.
  11. dillzpicklez

    - US PUGs - Today at 8 PM EST -

    Just a thought. Why would Mooch (on the enemy team with the CB members) say he won against CB. Does that not seem pretty foolish?
  12. dillzpicklez

    - US PUGs - Today at 8 PM EST -

    Alright, so I’m not sure that was how it went down. I know Mooch and Paradine personally. I don’t think Mooch called it a victory for tR over CB. I also don’t understand why that it is relevant either. I’m sure if tR players have been going around saying they won against CB is not really...