Recent content by DeedalaDee

  1. DeedalaDee

    Technical Issue infinite loading screen

    the game loads till bar is full then I guess the game freezes
  2. DeedalaDee

    Technical Issue Infinite load

    I tried validation files and cleanup but nothing 😭😭😭
  3. DeedalaDee

    Technical Issue OpenGL

    open gl is making my game say connection interupted. But when I remove it the game doesn’t work it’s not the launcher or anything cuz if I launch Jedi acedemy without OpenGL it crashes
  4. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    OMG TYSM!!
  5. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    im out of ideas of how to fix this
  6. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    MBIILauncher_WPF_Crash_20_05_2023_00_11_29 System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: The invocation of the constructor on type 'WmVGHDknWmnXLyXNKArNkpRuZtJbA' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception. at System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.RewrapException(Exception e...
  7. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    Is it ok if I only post like 5 logs because it crashed a lot
  8. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    I delete the logs but the launcher still crashes 😭😩
  9. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    how do I uncheck the enable logging because the launcher crashes
  10. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    idk i found the logs in a folder
  11. DeedalaDee

    [SOLVED] Launcher crashes when opened

    It pops up the logo and then crashes I know its crashes because of the logs. The game worked a couple weeks ago but it just stopped working. Anyway to fix???