Recent content by Bucky21659

  1. Bucky21659

    Technical Issue Steam Integration with MBII Client?

    Those are the arguments the launcher runs the engine with, some might not be necessary but I know that if homepath is not set it won't save the config in the right spot. None of those are solutions, but thanks anyway. I thought the MB2 Client was it's own fork of OpenJK, but I guess I was...
  2. Bucky21659

    Technical Issue Steam Integration with MBII Client?

    Working like a charm, replaced JAMP with the mbii client executable and set my launch options to +set fs_homepath "." +set sv_master1 +set fs_basespath "." +set fs_cdpaths "" +set fs_game MBII as that is what the launcher runs it with. Anyone wanting to do the same...
  3. Bucky21659

    Technical Issue Steam Integration with MBII Client?

    JKA is not supported by Valve, what do you mean? I thought the launcher acted as an anti-cheat? Additionally, running the launcher through Steam still has the UAC permission issues, so no overlay.
  4. Bucky21659

    Technical Issue Steam Integration with MBII Client?

    Hi, as title suggests, the MBII Launcher's setting to integrate with Steam has no support for the MBII Client/ I have tried circumventing this by replacing the Steam jasp.exe with the MBII Launcher, but the MBII Launcher makes the engine run with administrative priviliges (despite the game...
  5. Bucky21659

    1.4.5 Sabering Open Beta!

    Could the patch notes compare the values from the previous version?
  6. Bucky21659

    HD Rosh Addon

    Could we get some screenshots?
  7. Bucky21659

    Inside a Droideka: A Documentary by Jorge-Fonseca

    Probably uses the same function as the speeder bike, as in it's a vehicle the player's weapons can be shot from.