Recent content by BenSwolo

  1. BenSwolo

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    people will play whatever they want, this is not china, devs should refrain from trying to enforce their views on the community and focus on developing the game
  2. BenSwolo

    [tR]Hard Mode - a return to better days

    a wide selection of maps, i like it
  3. BenSwolo

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    rip penekepack :(
  4. BenSwolo

    MovieBattles II V1.5.5 Released

    new classes are getting closer bois, wit every update we are one step closer
  5. BenSwolo

    Dev Diary: New Year. New Plans.

    T R I G G E R E D
  6. BenSwolo

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    There are 3 Kylo Ren models, turn one of them into B E N S W O L O ,we need it, come on DEW IT!
  7. BenSwolo

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Add my namesake skin please, just.......just, dew it!
  8. BenSwolo

    MovieBattles II Version 1.5 Released

    now THIS is MOD racing