Recent content by Azuvector

  1. Azuvector

    My honest opinion, and my humble suggestion.

    No time. Went back to school. Full course load is painful. I'm too old for this stuff.
  2. Azuvector

    My honest opinion, and my humble suggestion.

    I'm not sure offhand what version it corresponds to, and I doubt it's final stuff, but I do have a backup of MBII source that appears to date back to 2008, if that's helpful? Looking at some of the comments, I think it's at least RC1 or RC2? There's some zip file in the repository that mentions...
  3. Azuvector

    Give back White Sabers

    I tend to agree, this(icons) is the better way of doing it. White sabers were originally implemented more to see if I could. (And maybe some egotistical special snowflake stuff.)
  4. Azuvector

    looking for Azuvector and =tom=

    From years of experience with having my email plastered around in plaintext everywhere versus having it obfuscated, I've noticed little difference between the amount of spam I get if I obfuscate versus not. I just don't bother. I just like to bitch about it. :D
  5. Azuvector

    looking for Azuvector and =tom=

    I can confirm I am great. :D Unfortunately, I cannot give permission for use to this map(or any map, really); my involvement with mapping was largely limited to bugfixes and code features added to enhance maps, as well as gameplay design now and then. I don't have Tom's current contact info...
  6. Azuvector

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    Noob. :D No idea what I had, but fairly sure it was probably around twice yours. :P