Recent content by --=Alpha=--

  1. --=Alpha=--

    Vote your favorite MB2 Maps here

    The map itself was made by =tom= (I think) the FA was a 3rd party release... Wait, you mean the one with the Hazard Trooper and the Feign Death thing right?
  2. --=Alpha=--

    Welcome new players!

    I didn't really map in the first place. I just made FA's, which was just me copy and pasting lines of variables from the MB2 wiki.
  3. --=Alpha=--

    Welcome new players!

    Hopefully the dark age of only having DOTF played over and over is done. Glad to see the mod is still kicking with the release of the new movie. Just a word of warning to the Vets or the Elitists; Be nice to the new comers. After all, you've only been playing with the same people over and over...