Recent content by a toilet rat

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    MB2's best player FROSTY has a forum account now

    Welcome to the Forums! It is always nice to see new players. I hope your experience with this game will be the most pleasant and exciting.
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    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    I have noticed a small issuse with the pack that makes Imperial Officer model invisible, specifically the gray one(im not sure about exact model name). I have solved the issue by deleting each skin/glm file in models/players/imperial folder. I saw few others complain about it. Could it be a...
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    NoobGuided Pack 3.1 | COMPATIBLE WITH v1.10

    Ghost Hilts are standard Reborn hilts for me in Open, However, in Shooting Range they work fine. Can this by a server side issue?
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    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Does this cause crash for anyone else? Anyone managed to fix?