VOIP (Voice Chat)

I don't know why this hasn't been added yet. It would be a great idea, instead of going to type back to someone on your team or the other, you can talk to them with a mic. There is specific code already made for adding this, I saw a dev post it in a older thread I made about this. Anyone who is going to reply something like "Not a good idea, micspammers and trolls would ruin it" you could literally just client side mute them if you didn't want to hear them. There would be client side muting and server muting. I can't tell you how often I get killed when I'm replying to someone or talking in team chat, it would just make everything seamless.

Please add this.

(BTW, I guarantee people will still reply and say "micspammers, trolls, etc.)

Also, here is the documentation proving you can add voice chat to a quake 3 engine game:

ioq3/voip-readme.txt at master · ioquake/ioq3 · GitHub
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Movie Battles II Team
i remember someone saying there was some weird limitation that prevented it
Duplicate thread: VOIP?
And previous one was started by you as well!

This guy comes back every couple of months and posts stuff like this that almost always gets shot down. Ignore him.

If you want voice, get Discord, or Teamspeak, and talk with your friends through that. It's literally that easy. I've just spent like three hours asking various people on my Steam, and on Discord how they would feel about VOIP, and about 8/10 responses were:

"lol y not just use discord?"


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
I can see the benefits in theory over using an external provider such as discord. However, in practice voice chat in games is rarely utilised to it's potential - in my experiance, so I doubt it would be worth the engineering effort to implement.


This guy comes back every couple of months and posts stuff like this that almost always gets shot down. Ignore him.

If you want voice, get Discord, or Teamspeak, and talk with your friends through that. It's literally that easy. I've just spent like three hours asking various people on my Steam, and on Discord how they would feel about VOIP, and about 8/10 responses were:

"lol y not just use discord?"
Thanks for the input you jackass. Apparently discord has become so damn popular that we should just remove in game voice chat from every game to come, including the fuckin dictionary. Have you even thought of the problem a fuck ton of people have where they can't minimize their game or it will crash? Thats why I personally want in game voip. Would you rather minimize your game, open discord, login, find your channel, realize there is no one in the discord because all of them are completely empty half the time, OR just press X and speak?

Why do all of this complicated garbage when you could just press a button and speak to everyone? Also, I guarantee that about 100 of the 250 people that play MB2 actually own discord, and 50% of them actually use it, if not less.

Also, the reason I posted a second thread was because I posted that almost a year ago. Why would I revive it when it was so old?
Thanks for the input you jackass. Apparently discord has become so damn popular that we should just remove in game voice chat from every game to come, including the fuckin dictionary. Have you even thought of the problem a fuck ton of people have where they can't minimize their game or it will crash? Thats why I personally want in game voip. Would you rather minimize your game, open discord, login, find your channel, realize there is no one in the discord because all of them are completely empty half the time, OR just press X and speak?

Why do all of this complicated garbage when you could just press a button and speak to everyone? Also, I guarantee that about 100 of the 250 people that play MB2 actually own discord, and 50% of them actually use it, if not less.

Also, the reason I posted a second thread was because I posted that almost a year ago. Why would I revive it when it was so old?

1.) I never said that we should remove VOIP from games, I simply said it was pointless to add. Don't put words into my mouth(u can put ur weener in dere tho).

2.) There are workarounds to minimization crashes. You can set a game to window in a custom resolution, then use 3rd party programs meant for twitch streaming to easily have borderless windows in games that do not have it as an option otherwise. Your lack of knowledge about such programs only shows me that you either don't know what you're talking about, or you never bothered to find workarounds yourself in the first place, and want someone else to put in the effort for you.

3.) Discord opens on startup unless set otherwise, and it can be started before the game has been started, it also auto logs in unless set otherwise. So, in reality, all you really have to do is start it, and it automatically inputs you into your last server, and you can join a voice channel from there, and you can do it all beforehand.

4.) Like an empty server, a channel requires at least one person to get started. If you don't want to put in the effort to get people in your current voice channel, that is just you being lazy, or maybe it really just isn't that important to you.

5.) Language, my sexy little baby. We are having a civil discussion here, but if you wish to talk dirty to me again at a later time, I shall be available.

Now explain to me your reasoning for why VOIP should be put into the game. Please try to refrain from reasons involving an obvious lack of effort on your part to actually talk to people. For example:

"It's tedious."
"I don't want to."
"I can't get anyone to join me."

I shall be awaiting your response.

P.S - What's with the multiple accounts?
P.P.S - After looking through your 'Alesis' account's previous posts, I can see that in truth, your last post made on this subject was made LAST MONTH, not almost a year ago as you said. Also, each of your accounts are listed as:

Alesis - 23, Michigan

Shpeckle - 17, USA

So, it's now safe to assume that you're working under multiple accounts AND different identities. My findings are only further reinforced by the fact that you said that the last thread you made on this subject was made over a year ago, however this second account is only a month old.
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