Hi! I have been playing MB2 for about a few weeks now. I love the duelling system and wish I was better at it. For those pro of you out there, I am asking for some training. The main things I struggle with are PBing, MBing, countering and parrying as well as combos without holding the mouse button.

At the moment, I have been using blue and yellow styles, I would like to improve these but the big one I am interested in is red.

Anyway, I am available to play on Sunday, Monday (UK). My steam name is MadZAssassin. And on MB2, my name is The Not So Chosen One.

Just though I'd add the fact that I have read Sev's guide and whilst it is incredibly useful on learning the mechanics mentally, physically I struggle putting them to use.

Any help is appreciated!!!! And is this in the wrong part of the forum?
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The AOD offers training, I would talk to one of them.
Personally you will never catch me using a light stick.

Game has so much depth to it that the light-stick is just a segment, I personally enjoy the challenge of fighting people who have bullshit super powers and swords, been playing for a few months now and I already can tell the difference between the good and bad players, IE how much do they rely on push and pull. Lot of rounds on jedi temple showed me that people count on force powers a tad too much.

I would focus on your maneuverability before sword technique. Dodging attacks is a very big part of the game especially when dealing with dakka users like me. Your block plays a big role, and you want to conserve as much of that as possible otherwise you can't deflect. If you can get in my face without resorting to force speed or mindtricks. You are already half way there. The trick is being able to fight 3 of me at the same time. And all of that has to do with how to move in your surroundings.

Open mode gives force users too much room to slack and they develop bad habits because they are used to having 80 points and using whatever they want. FA mode jedi would be the perfect training tool because they have limited abilities and force you to make do with what you have.
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Internal Beta Team
I shall be doing a training session tonight on EU duel. Be on teamspeak (ts . and come for 8pm gmt.

Going over:

* pb
* attacks
* half-hits
* how to counter


ex team lead
Movie Battles II Team Retired
aw wish I could come :(

also EU official duel seems to be down, was that the server u would use?


Internal Beta Team
May have another training session today. Is anyone up for it?

And yes Vis, we'd probably use that server as the others are not up.