"This gametype is not supported by Movie Battles at the moment"

I am getting this error after trying to convert a JKHub map: LF - Arena de Duelos - JKHub

I only used GTKRadiant to see the coordinates for spawn points. Entity modding I did through text files and compiled into bsp. I also put a .siege file from another mb2 map as well as editing .arena file to have type "MB" yet it still gives me this error.

Does anyone know any potential solutions?

UPDATE: After trying to find the solution, I no longer receive this error but instead now the map starts loading then crashes and says "ERROR: Bad index in triangle surface"
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I know you said you fixed it but for others: You need to type /g_gametype 7 before loading the map. Or attempt to load the map twice. This will put the game into siege mode so that it can load the files properly.

On discord you noted you added 32 info_player_start spawnpoints. Those aren't what MB2 uses. They will work but gives you little control. We use info_player_start for the initial camera spawnpoint in each of the levels. For players we use info_player_siegeteam1 (rebels), info_player_siegeteam2 (imperials), info_player_siegeteam1_authentic, info_player_siegeteam2_authentic for FA-only specific spawnpoints like on Death Star. We also use info_player_intermission, info_player_intermission_blue, and info_player_intermission_red for cinematic spawnpoints (DOTF, Lunarbase, RC, Tatooine, etc). For the team specific spawn points we use 32 info_player_siegeteam1 and 32-64 (if we can fit 64) for info_layer_siegeteam2 as a precaution for 32 people spawning as droidekas.

The Bad Index in Triangle error is probably because of modifications to the map that you made. I don't know if you decompiled it, or had the source but it is typically due to something being created badly when deforming terrain pieces or using CSG subtract incorrectly (Best to just avoid CSG subtract). To fix it you can try running a brush cleanup (Plugins -> bobztools -> brush cleanup, or the blue and green arrow icons in the task bar). If that doesn't fix it. Select everything in the map (hit i) then copy it. Open a new map, and paste everything. This should get rid of any "phantom" brushes that may be causing the issue.
Thank you for the reply! This is very helpful.

Yes I decompiled the BSP into .map file but only to see coordinates in GTK that I need to add more spawnpoints into the .bsp file.
I did not do anything in GTKRadiant itself. I only did entity modding through Notepad++.
I followed instructions that I found on the internet. I copied all entities from .bsp and put them into seperate .ent file then after I finished modding I compiled it into the bsp. But no matter what I changed in .bsp it always ended with Bad index error.
I managed to open the map in MBII after a while but only if I do not touch anything in .bsp and leave it as it is. So basically I just added .siege and .arena files but that is not good enough for my purpose, I need spawn points for maximum players and if possible a music track I had in mind. Those are the entities I edited.
I did not edit anything on the map itself like textures, models etc.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
This is hard for me to say since I have never needed to modify a level in the BSP directly. But sometimes modifying brush based entities can be problematic (worldspawn) as it is more picky about keeping those intact than other entity types like spawns. What you did technically should work, but I am wondering if the order of the entities is getting screwed up when placed back into the bsp causing a conflict resulting in the index error.
It is possible that spawn points are trickier to deal with. I did entity modding for another map before but I only added some NPCs and it worked fine. This on the other hand, causes me troubles. Without a solution to this error, the only other option I have is to edit in GTK itself, which I know how to do but the problem is after I compile into new bsp, the lighting of the map is completely fucked. It is way brighter than it is supposed to be and I do not know how to fix it.
Thanks for the help anyway. If you have any more useful info or tips, I am happy to hear them. Have good night!


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Decompiling of a level strips out a lot of the information. Light entities for example are only used during the compile phase to bake lightmaps and aren't needed after that point. So that information simply doesn't exist in the compile for you to use when decompiling and recompiling. So for the most part you have to rebuild that from scratch when decompiling a level. Also make sure you are compiling with a -light compile as well. By the sounds of it you are only using -meta. You need a compiling line with -meta, -vis, and -light somewhere in it. The other switches are varying quality levels, debug effects, etc.

So if you don't know how to redo the lighting and cant figure out the entity bsp injection stuff the best thing to do would be to ask the creator of the level, or attempt to rebuild the broken bits from scratch. I see the author gave permission to do this kind of modification as long as credit is given so you should be good on that front at least.
Well I got it to work with 13 spawn points that were already in the original map but just renaming them all to siegeteam1 and siegeteam2 + adding one info_spawn_player for spectators to spawn in when joining the map. I am not sure how the problem was fixed as I believe I did the procedure same as the last time. I will try adding more spawn points today to see if it still works.
It is kinda a bummer that we can edit those maps only if we have original .map files without having to go from scratch fixing all the issues. But then again I can completely understand creators for not wanting to share those. The creator of this map has not been online on jkhub since 2015 so there's that. :D
Anyway thank you again for your help!