Which patch should MB2 Revert to

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There's been a call from the community to revert to a previous patch to prevent the game from stagnating. Let's show the devs there's a lot of support for this idea. Vote for your preferred revert below.

((I love you Tempest thank you for all your work on the patch. This call for a revert is just to prevent the game from stagnation in your absence. ))
man i don't even remember the difference between the versions
but my favorite version was the one with heavy blaster knockback and buffed fp drains in idr


Internal Beta Team
i feel like we tried to ask for revert before but wasn't 1.5 better cus they fixed swing spam meta or fixed the dumb no swing restrictions where you could do same sided swings i forgot, I might play the game again if they did revert but they are never gonna concede to it, alot of dumb changes since then removing alot of stuff for the code stability and balance of saberist vs gunner. reduntant modernization of the UI on a 20 year old game and so called QoL updates that removed fun unexploitable stuff from the game. Yea not gonna happen game is dead just accept it


Internal Beta Team
Why not this poll? Another sabering poll

We fix forward rather than going backwards to the problems of the past.
Every past dueling build has had issues that could be fixed, but were instead overlooked. A revamp occurred, and new issues where introduced with it. The best way going forward is to do what should've been done long ago (8 years or more?) and simply stabilize, fix issues and build upon a solid base.

Reverting is not a fix-it-all, because there is always a reason why a beloved build from the past was changed. 1.3 had massive issues, all the 1.4 builds as well, had issues. 1.5 had issues, 1.6 to 1.10 had issues... and oh boy does R20 have issues.

I hope everyone will realize by now that reverting will not fix anything. As time goes by, people forget the flaws and annoyances of past builds. Of course, R20 is one of the most flawed and bugged messes we've ever had, but it can be fixed, starting with bugs and obvious problems. The community has already drafted a nice list of changes that, if implemented, would go a long way towards a stable and playable build.

My personal opinion is that a system so heavily infested with arbitrary ACM bullshit, like R20, is not the best fit to build upon, but it can be made to work if the necessary changes are implemented. It was impossible with the previous saber dev because he refused to implement such changes, believing in his own vision over that of more experienced duelists.

I think that defiant, and whoever ends up overseeing the fixing process should be transparent about what is going on: this would provide hope for a community currently left adrift due to a very badly implemented patch. I've never seen this kind of drop off and reaction to a new patch before, and we haven't even addressed the death of open mode. Something should be done immediately to re-establish confidence in the dev-team after the disaster of R20, so that people can have hope for the future instead of being quietly ground down and leaving the game. I suggest having a dev meeting or two, figuring out a game plan for how to fix, and then letting everyone know with a public announcement.


Internal Beta Team
Every past dueling build has had issues that could be fixed, but were instead overlooked. A revamp occurred, and new issues where introduced with it. The best way going forward is to do what should've been done long ago (8 years or more?) and simply stabilize, fix issues and build upon a solid base.

Reverting is not a fix-it-all, because there is always a reason why a beloved build from the past was changed. 1.3 had massive issues, all the 1.4 builds as well, had issues. 1.5 had issues, 1.6 to 1.10 had issues... and oh boy does R20 have issues.

I hope everyone will realize by now that reverting will not fix anything. As time goes by, people forget the flaws and annoyances of past builds. Of course, R20 is one of the most flawed and bugged messes we've ever had, but it can be fixed, starting with bugs and obvious problems. The community has already drafted a nice list of changes that, if implemented, would go a long way towards a stable and playable build.

My personal opinion is that a system so heavily infested with arbitrary ACM bullshit, like R20, is not the best fit to build upon, but it can be made to work if the necessary changes are implemented. It was impossible with the previous saber dev because he refused to implement such changes, believing in his own vision over that of more experienced duelists.

I think that defiant, and whoever ends up overseeing the fixing process should be transparent about what is going on: this would provide hope for a community currently left adrift due to a very badly implemented patch. I've never seen this kind of drop off and reaction to a new patch before, and we haven't even addressed the death of open mode. Something should be done immediately to re-establish confidence in the dev-team after the disaster of R20, so that people can have hope for the future instead of being quietly ground down and leaving the game. I suggest having a dev meeting or two, figuring out a game plan for how to fix, and then letting everyone know with a public announcement.
Definitely agree and I think having devs share their vision and ideas is a good step towards better understanding and communication within the community, can easily imagine the future and avoid possible disagreements

*Roadmap is not quite it. It became rather irrelevant as the only actual updates there are being done on new models


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I suggest having a dev meeting or two, figuring out a game plan for how to fix, and then letting everyone know with a public announcement.

We had several to go over the goals for R20/20th anniversary stuff after 1.10 release. It resulted in making decisions in the first 1-2 as to what to do. Then in the next 2-3 certain developers deciding after like 2 weeks-1 month (depending on the meeting) that instead of doing what was planned months or years ahead of time, we were going to bump up priority of a bunch of things not on the original agreed upon list (thus heavily delaying release past anniversary), not caring/following the ideas/roadmap/priority list of those put in leadership positions in previous meetings, some developers bitching about having to work on finishing code side of a feature another developers been waiting on a coder to take up for years (which was needed to get new abilities added), working on projects they didn't discuss with the development team as a whole and making it a priority for the build, etc.

The dev team is fucking lost in terms of any kind of reasonable organization right now and it feels like dealing with children rather than adults constantly. We have a whole list of abilities, some new classes, etc. that have been sitting for years. However, things like legends custom point builds, and jedi/sith force powers get pushed to the forefront last minute without a single design document being written about them until after the fact. Don't get me wrong, those things are still cool features to have, its about how it was done. Conquest is now suddenly a priority because someone else wanted to make a galactic conquest inspired set of FA's (Again cool, not saying the idea is bad) even though I was fighting for the additional modes/map design/objective options for 13 years.

You're not going to fix shit without a complete attitude change. There are developers that add completely last minute untested major features to a release, that completely breaks all the build runners, when leadership or more veteran developers tell them to add those to separate branches, and not just mash everything together that then act like a massive victim when that commit is even partially reverted by either defiant or myself. They have for years been warned not to do shit like that, and they continue doing it.

Definitely agree and I think having devs share their vision and ideas is a good step towards better understanding and communication within the community, can easily imagine the future and avoid possible disagreements

*Roadmap is not quite it. It became rather irrelevant as the only actual updates there are being done on new models

I have been slowly trying to work on my personal roadmap of what I would like to see. There is years worth of content updates mb2 has the potential for just on things I designed or are on my wish list. That doesn't include things that Kestrel, Hexodious, Tempest, Mcbober, etc. designed either.

The reason the main roadmap isn't useful at all anymore is because I was the only one outside of the modelers updating anything, because I wanted to try to be as transparent as possible while still having some surprises and not overpromising.


This seems like a pretty drastic step, so I’m not sure how likely the dev team would be to go for it. But if it happens, would it be a full rollback or just for certain aspects? Going all the way back could mean losing some valuable updates and recent additions.

Personally, I wouldn’t mind if the mandalorian class returned to its old style, even if it means giving up some of the new models and mechanics.


Internal Beta Team
No point in reverting at this point. Just focus on what we have right now and fix what we have to, instead of making another massive system change.


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
No point in reverting at this point. Just focus on what we have right now and fix what we have to, instead of making another massive system change.
Yep. I've seen the various lists provided in discord or what-not, but what I am looking for are very actionable suggestions which include some numbers to help along the process since our Saber Lead is on sabbatical. 10% increase/decrease here, actual bug to fix there. That kind of thing. Starting from the highest priority to the lowest in terms of what should be done this upcoming patch.

I think there is a feeling of not wanting to step on Tempest's toes, but also an understanding from him that there are legit issues to fix and he understands someone needs to step up to get that done.

So, what I suggest is to provide a clear and concise list which features actionable change. Picture yourself as a dev making the actual change and describe it in that manner for that list.
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The dev team is fucking lost in terms of any kind of reasonable organization right now and it feels like dealing with children rather than adults constantly. We have a whole list of abilities, some new classes, etc.

I would suggest you look into your community, especially in the direction of @SeV and @Adélaïde in that regard, I think anyone can vouch for their never ending commitment to make the game interesting and welcoming


Internal Beta Team
Oh you mean the player who played like what 5 days the last 3 years I have played, and then complained about yawing being op. All I saw was a yap rant post ingame and on the Forum. Trying to force a point nobody rly has a problem with from the active players, truly a never ending commitment to make the game interesting I must say
You surely do much better :

- "Nerf run"
- "Up this"
- "Ehhgnn"

Ontop of waiting years / after the patch is deployed, to voice an oppinion. You new EU players needs to stand out more, because look at things now. This is due to inactions such as this.

So unless you have better candidates from our region to help the devs, I maintain my word.