This hotfix fixes a few minor issues and bug fixes post R20.07 related to animations and netcode as well as a few minor issues with a new Launcher update. The new Launcher allows for us to more quickly update .pk3s without requiring the user to re-download the file entirely. However due to issues on release, a few various .pk3s were not pushed to release properly. Those files are now available and are listed in the changelog below. For a full list of the changes pushed yesterday, please see the R20.0.07 post.
Again as a reminder, we are actively looking for more programmers and modders to join the team. If you have experience in JKA modding, please feel free to apply in our application forum. If you are interested in learning how to code, model or map for MBII but don't know where to begin, a good starting point is to join our Beta Team, which has more resources, testing environments as well as developers happy to answer questions as you start your journey. Or, simply check out the Guides section of our Wiki! This is a great space to find out how to make new FAs, maps and more. The new mapping guide for MBII has also been finished. We hope to see more maps submitted to MBII in the future. Best of luck and if you have questions, you can bring them up in our Community Contributor category on the MBII Discord.
Additionally, we are looking to form an MBII media team. For those of you who are interested in creating video content for MBII to help promote it, take a look at this post here.
- Fix: Netcode issues which led to visual indicators (such as PB or Force Focus) not showing
- Fix: Dual ARC Pistol animations not being properly referenced.
- Fix: Being able to push/pull or repulse allies.
- Fix: Issue with grip causing a crash.
- Fix: Various issues with shaders on new weapons not showing properly.
- Fix: There was a discrepancy within the changelog regarding the values on Speedlunge last patch.
- The FP drains for speedlunge are 30 for speed 2, 25 for speed 3 and the HP damage was normalized to 180 for all saber styles.
- Fix: Holiday/Christmas MBAssets4.pk3 added (happy holidays, y'all). Fixed 3 model issues in the holiday .pk3
- Fix/Change: Minor fixes to a few characters, icons animations and cosmetics.
Astromech (R2)
- Fixed not being able to Wrist Laser in Melee
- Adjusted weapon/power icons for more clarity
- Force Regen increased from 0.5 to 1
- Increased HP from 150 to 200
- Removed “No Cooldown” from Flight
- Damage Given Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1 (saber damage remains the same)
- Enabled alt-fire on Cryo Gun
- Added an extra shot to Cryo Gun clip
- Increased default Deflect rank from 1 to 2
- Increased class point from 30 to 33
- Increased base BP multiplier from 0.8 to 1
- Increased BP multiplier ranks from 1/1.2 to 1.2/1.4
- Lowered Force Pool point cost from 4/4/4 to 2/4/4
- Increased default Deflect rank from 1 to 2
- Increased class point from 30 to 33
- Increased base BP multiplier from 0.8 to 1
- Increased BP multiplier ranks from 1/1.2 to 1.2/1.4
- Lowered Force Pool point cost from 4/4/4 to 2/4/4
- Lowered Grip cost from 1/3/4 to 1/2/3
- Stam pool increased from 100 to 120
- Flechette Gauntlet reserve ammo increased from 42 to 56
- Added a few Episode 1 voiceline skins (identical to BF skins)
- Added Sniper skin
- Shuffled around some DFAs
- HP/Armor increased from 90/50 to 100/60
- Added Poison on hit to Melee
- Added Poison on hit to Saber
- Added RDFA to Saber
- Resource (Rage) Pool increased from 150 to 200
- Resource decay rate slowed even further from 0.5 to 0.1 (Cloak drain rate not affected by this multiplier)
- Rage concept further explored:
- Noghri will now automatically regenerate rage quickly from 0 to 50, allowing a bit of cloak or dex roll usage. He can ‘overcharge’ this rage amount up to 200 by dealing damage or by other methods. This extra rage will slowly decay down to 50 again and the cycle can be repeated.
- Dexterity lowered from 3 to 2
- Removed Sprint
- Bumped movement speed up to Sprint amount
- Removed Sprint
- Set base movement speed to Sprint speed
- Reduced Faster Melee Swings cost from 2/2/2 to 1/1/1
- Reduced E-5 (EE-4) cost from 2/4/8 to 2/4/6
- Removed Sprint
- Set base movement speed to Sprint speed
- Moved Dodge to CS1 for uniformity
- Added Phase 0 model
- Fixed not having Ally Stat Viewer
- Fix: Fixes to a few characters in FA which were using staff when they should be using single styles (due to R20.0.07 FA changes on the backend)
- Fix: Due to new launcher update issues, uM .pk3 files were not added properly this release. Those changed files and FAs are now properly added and as a result the changelog is once again listed here.
- Change: uM_Yavin2
- New lighting compile to give more contrast to the map
- Added teleports to get out of the water
- Minor fixes to brushwork
- Change: uM_ns_streets
- Minor fixes to various areas of the map
- Change: Lair of the Ancients CTF (um_ctf_dfarena & um_ctf_darkandlight)
- All classes capable of dashing now have MB_ATT_DASH_JUMP.
- Majority of classes have variations in base game model changes.
- respawnWait changes have been applied to all classes for respawns to better function on open style maps.
- Added Pistoleer class:
- Dual Bryar Pistols that function as dual pistol (3), with increased FPMult 1.4, RateofFire 1.4 & damageGiven 1.4. (40%+)
- Pistoleer class may use dodge with rage points.
- Pistoleer class may use force rage to fire faster.
- Pistoleer class may use force rage to increase Wookiee strength tier, to evade pushes & pulls, and slaps.
- Pistoleer class may use force rage to perform faster melee.
- Medic class has been completely reworked:
- The medic class is now a medic droid.
- The medic droid can point buy an ice thrower, wrist lasers, DR attributes.
- The medic droid may also heal others by using their WP_SABER healing apparatus, (-50).
- The medic droid is the only class capable of point purchasing rally.
- Engineer changes:
- No more flying jawas, their ability to permanently fly has been fixed.
- Their mbpoints have been drastically reduced, (was 100).
- Their point buy has been cleaned up. Giving MB_ATT_CCTRAINING,2 for free.
- SBD changes:
- Their forceregen for RESOURCE_BATTERY has been increased from 2 => 6.
- They have been stripped of their cortosis.
- Mandalorian class changes:
- Gadget class special fixes, they may now use their wrist laser and whistling birds.
- Grunt changes:
- Their overall movement speed has been decreased. They are no longer as fast as the scout.
- Heavy changes:
- Players report the class is too weak, measures were taken to fix this.
- maxhealth 100 -> 150. (50+)
- damageGiven 1 -> damageGiven 1.2. (20%+)Minigun FPMult 0.8 -> 1.2. (40%+)
- The Sniper class has the following changes:
- Projectile rifle is now more in line with the open proj. One shot for majority of targets:
- Projectile rifle now has HELD_HIGHDAMAGE flags, doing 2x damage.
- Projectile rifle has a half FP damage (FPMult 0.5) reduction.
- Projectile rifle is now more in line with the open proj. One shot for majority of targets:
- Wookiee changes:
- Chewbacca red/blue models from base has been added as a possible skin.
( Manual / Server Downloads )
Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.
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