Increase Lightsaber Length

I'm aware that this is not a major concern at all for players, so this is my personal concern because I just want things to look GOOD and proportionate.

I think the lightsabers in this game are too short. It looks visually off. If the devs can make the lightsaber length just SLIGHTLY longer, I think it would look alot better in proportion to the player model.

Again, this is just a personal concern that I'm sure no one really resonates with but I want the devs to know.

Edit: In addition, it may be ideal to modify the lightsaber hitbox if the extended length should affect it as one comment indicates.
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you can change it locally, it won't of course be actually longer, but visually if thats what you want. google how to open pk3 in the mb2 folder. From memory ext_data is the folder you'll want from these, look for the file that contains all the hilt entry. Simply change lenght value with your liking
i agree

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MBII devs aren't going to touch open without breaking it or doing unnecessary balance changes. So this is a long shot before expecting them to do anything like editing .sab files embedded in these modes for aesthetical saber lengths. You can of course do it yourself clientside but it won't help. The best shot you'd have for editing any kind of saber code & lengths and have them appear to all players, is to just make your own FA.
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you can change it locally, it won't of course be actually longer, but visually if thats what you want. google how to open pk3 in the mb2 folder. From memory ext_data is the folder you'll want from these, look for the file that contains all the hilt entry. Simply change lenght value with your liking
sounds really complicated. Idk which source to trust on google.
I'm not sure where to go from there.
the files you looking for are saber_hilts_Open1 (2 and 3)
you'll be able to change the saberLenght value with your liking (40 being the most common one)
you can know which hilt is which by playing the game, picking one and once thats done, open the console and type saber1 (or just saber, press tab to get the list of commands when typing it). This will give you the entry name of the hilt.

before making modifications you should make a copy of a small .pk3, then eraze it's content and create your own little mod instead. (Because you don't want to modify the MB2 files themselves)
So pretty much it simply means you must have "ext_data" folder and "sabers" folder inside of it, and then the .sab file where you changed the value at. This will act as a replacement sub-mod for the mb2 mod. Pretty useful if you want to add sounds or anything, can also share it.

In case you have issue opening the pk3 with 7zip, after it's installed you should be able to right click a file and have a 7-Zip menu that appeared. Select "Open Archive" (can select the second Open Archive menu and then the * which means all method, in case it didnt work :p)

Have fun
the files you looking for are saber_hilts_Open1 (2 and 3)
you'll be able to change the saberLenght value with your liking (40 being the most common one)
you can know which hilt is which by playing the game, picking one and once thats done, open the console and type saber1 (or just saber, press tab to get the list of commands when typing it). This will give you the entry name of the hilt.

before making modifications you should make a copy of a small .pk3, then eraze it's content and create your own little mod instead. (Because you don't want to modify the MB2 files themselves)
So pretty much it simply means you must have "ext_data" folder and "sabers" folder inside of it, and then the .sab file where you changed the value at. This will act as a replacement sub-mod for the mb2 mod. Pretty useful if you want to add sounds or anything, can also share it.

In case you have issue opening the pk3 with 7zip, after it's installed you should be able to right click a file and have a 7-Zip menu that appeared. Select "Open Archive" (can select the second Open Archive menu and then the * which means all method, in case it didnt work :p)

Have fun
I changed the length of the saber but I dont notice a difference at all when i play. beside the saber_hilts_Open1.sab, it says "A" under Attributes and "NTFS" under characteristics.

You mentioned creating a copy of a small .pk3, how do I do that?
creating a copy of a small .pk3, how
Select any .pk3. CTRL+C, CTRL+V. Open it up, delete everything and replace with your own stuff like mentioned in my previous post.
It's abit anti-climatic method but it will spare you the time of learning the modding tools which effectively helps creating a pk3.

Alternatively I uploaded an empty pk3 file in this message in case you needed.


  • zz_zz_EMPTY.pk3
    183 bytes · Views: 24