improvment to force powers

i propose a force power if both pull and push are maxed called levitate (im not sure if it should be a Jedi exclusive or not), u could use it only on friendlies and they'd have to be crouched so trolls can't lift plp who don't want to be lifted, it would cost about 5-10 fp a second and could only be done in melee and while standing still. to move people back and forth the push and pull power keys would be used and to move left and right up and down the mouse ofc.
i think it would fit in nicely for jedi support helping to move gunners into position or save them from falls, then the mechanic of dropping someone to conserve fp or saving someone who is a more valuable asset to the team.
finally i think it would even the playing field as Jedi have a passive force power roster and no gunner class can fly on the Jedi team this would solve that.
some balance though...
after a force point threshold is reached (like 30fp) all fp should be consumed to give the lifted a slow descend so they don't take fall damage
after using such a intense force ability fp regeneration should be slowed
tell me wat u think plz XD