Hosting Server: Windows

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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Linux guide coming out soon.


Folder structure:
  • /GameData
    • /base
      • assets files
    • /MBII
      • Movie Battles II mod files
    • jampDED.exe

Configure server.cfg file
Server.cfg is configuration file for your server. It contains the more important information about your server like maximum players, name of your server etc.

Let's take a close look:
// Movie Battles II
// Sample Server Config

// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname "MBII Server"                          // Name of your server
seta g_motd "Welcome to my MB2 Server\nHave fun!"       // Message of the Day
//sets discord "AbCd123"                                // Uncomment and customize invite code to show a Discord link next to listing at

// Additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 ""       // Master servers - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Administration:
seta rconpassword ""        // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS

// See MBII_Readme (GameData folder) for info on bitvalues!
// If g_smodconfig_1 is set to 0, smod system is disabled.
// Accounts without password are disabled aswell.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 ""       // Smod admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodConfig_1 "65535"         // All commands enabled
seta g_smodAdminPassword_2 ""
seta g_smodConfig_2 "7"             // Kick, nextmap, map.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_3 ""
seta g_smodConfig_3 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_4 ""
seta g_smodConfig_4 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_5 ""
seta g_smodConfig_5 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_6 ""
seta g_smodConfig_6 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_7 ""
seta g_smodConfig_7 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_8 ""
seta g_smodConfig_8 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_9 ""
seta g_smodConfig_9 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_10 ""
seta g_smodConfig_10 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_11 ""
seta g_smodConfig_11 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_12 ""
seta g_smodConfig_12 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_13 ""
seta g_smodConfig_13 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_14 ""
seta g_smodConfig_14 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_15 ""
seta g_smodConfig_15 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_16 ""
seta g_smodConfig_16 "0"

// Logging
seta g_log "games.log"          // Filename to record logging information to. ex: "serverlog.txt" If left blank, do not log.
seta g_logClientInfo "0"        // Logs client information changes if set to 1 (More detailed logging, useful in matching clients to IPs.)
seta g_logSync "0"              // Use synchronous appending in log writes. (May impact server performance if set to 1 (Not generally recommended), but may provide more detailed logs if a crash occurs.)

// Server Settings:
seta sv_fps "40"                // Server FPS setting.
seta sv_maxclients "32"         // Number of your server's player slots
seta sv_privateClients ""       // Number of private slots
seta sv_privatePassword ""      // Password for using the private slots
seta sv_pure "0"                // Pure setting - 0 = off, 1 = on. If enabled, clients can only use pk3s which match the ones on the server.
seta sv_maxRate "25000"         // Server-side cap for /rate. Settings higher than 25000 do not improve the client's ping.
seta sv_maxPing "0"             // Only players with a ping below this can connect to your server. "0" = disabled.
seta sv_timeout "600"           // Timeout - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_minSnaps "20"           // Sets minimum snaps client can have.
seta sv_minRate "2000"          // Sets minimum rate client can have.
seta sv_maxConnections "3"      // Maximum number of connections from one IP (prevents many crash scripts).
seta sv_floodProtect "1"        // Prevent flooding of chat and admin commands.

// Movie Battles II Settings:
seta g_gametype "7"             // 7 = Siege / MovieBattles. Do not modify.
seta fraglimit "15"             // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "20"            // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit "0"              // Timelimit. No point using this, seeing as rounds end after 5 minutes.
seta g_MinMBPoints "80"         // Amount of MB class points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "3"     // Amount of MB class points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "0"         // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic, 3 = Duel, 4 = Legends

// Custom Teams:
seta g_teamSwap "0"             // Experimental, Open mode only. If set to 1, team identities will be swapped at round start (spawns and objectives reversed). Reload map if modified.
// Uncomment and modify g_siegeTeam settings below to use custom FA teams when in MB Mode 4 (Legends), or set to "none" to use map's default team (effectively the same as Full-Authentic). Reload map if modified.
//seta g_siegeTeam1 "LEG_Good"  // Default if not configured: LEG_Good
//seta g_siegeTeam2 "LEG_Evil"  // Default if not configured: LEG_Evil

// Class Limits:
// Set maximum players per class in open mode, or disable a class entirely. Each number represents a class's limit with entries separated by dashes.
// Every value must be exactly two numbers (e.g. set 04 to limit a class to 4). Any value larger than sv_maxclients is considered infinite (default). 00 disables the class.
// SD=Soldier TP=Trooper CM=Commander ET=EliteTrooper ST=Sith JD=Jedi BH=BountyHunter
// HO=Hero SB=SBD WK=Wookiee DD=Droideka CT=CloneTrooper MD=Mandalorian AT=ARCTrooper
//                  SD TP CM ET ST JD BH HO SB WK DD CT MD AT
seta g_classlimits "50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50-50"

// Team Balance & Shuffle:
seta g_balance "-1"              // Prevents teams from becoming imbalanced by blocking joining of a team if the player difference is too great.
                                 // -1 = off, 0 = teams must be exactly equal or spectating will occur, 1 = teams allowed to be uneven by 1, 
                                 // 2 = teams allowed to be uneven by 2, 3 = teams allowed to be uneven by 3, etc.
seta g_ShuffleTimer "300"        // How long in seconds clients must wait before they can change teams again after shuffle is used.

// Duel Mode Settings:
seta g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerInitial "20" // Initial delay upon trying to join the round. Hard-coded minimum of 5 seconds.
seta g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLives "10" // Time that players must wait before being able to respawn again.
seta g_DuelMidRoundRespawnTimerNoLivesIncrement "5" // After lives are depleted, how many seconds to increase the total respawn wait time. Set to 0 to disable.
seta g_DuelLives "3"                // Custom number of lives for all players in duel mode. Valid range is 1-99. 
seta g_DuelRespawn "1"              // If set to 0, players will no longer respawn for the current round once they've used up their lives.
seta g_DuelRefillStatsOnKill "1"    // If set to 0, HP/FP/BP will no longer be refilled after killing an enemy (no effect on private duels).
seta g_DuelTimeLimit "900"          // Custom time limit for a duel mode round in seconds. Valid range is 300-900 (5-15 minutes).
seta g_DuelFriendlyTeam "0"         // If set to 1, players on your team will be treated as friendlies (same as other non-duel MB modes).
seta g_PrivateDuels "1"             // Set to 0 to disable private duels in duel mode.

// Anti-Cheat System:
seta g_AntiCheat "1"             // Cheating or unverified clients will be automatically kicked. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.

// Anti-Teamkill System:
seta TK_MinorFriendly "1"        // Ignore damage amounts below 5 for purposes of applying TK_Spec (stray very minor splash damage is permissible).
seta TK_Spec "500"               // Player will be forced to spectate if he/she has accrued this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta TK_Kick "750"               // Player will be kicked and temp-banned from the server if a player has gotten this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta TK_ForgiveAfterRounds "2"   // How many rounds must pass without any TKing by the player before TK_RemovedPerRound applies. 0 = always.
seta TK_RemovedPerRound "50"     // Each round that passes without the player having done any TKing, this many TKPoints will be removed from their total. 0 = disabled.
seta TK_TempBanForRounds "4"     // Number of rounds player gets banned for after exceeding TK_Kick count.

// Competitive Settings:
seta g_competitive "0"           // Bitwise cvar. Add the values below together for the settings you want enabled:
//                  1            Hide HUD from spectators.
//                  2            Restrict free spectator movement.
//                  4            Spectators cannot chat with living players.
//                  8            Spectators may only spectate players from their own team.
//                  16           Hide enemy team's class icons on the scoreboard.
//                  32           Disable friendly player indicators.
//                  Examples:
//                  0            Nothing enabled, fully casual.
//                  15           Enable all spectator related restrictions.
//                  17           Hide HUD from spectators and enemy team's class icons on scoreboard.
//                  63           All competitive settings enabled. Cvar value should not exceed this.

// Misc:
seta g_chatProtectTime "250"                    // Ammount of time that has to pass between two chat messages sent by player for them to be valid.
seta g_password ""                              // Password players need in order to be able to join your server.
seta g_allowVote "0"                            // Allow votes - 0 = all votes disabled, 127 = all votes allowed. See readme for details.
seta g_automapcycle "0"                         // Use automapcycle instead of a custom one. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
seta g_dismember "100"                          // Dismemberment probability. This is a percentage, i.e. 100 is the maximun setting. Clients have to adjust the cg_dismember cvar accordingly in order to see dismemberment.
seta g_allowNPC "1"                             // Do not alter.
seta g_AllowEntity_target_level_change "0"      // Whether or not to permit the target_level_change map entity to function. (Maps which utilize this feature can break map rotations.) 1 = enabled. 0 = disabled.
seta g_InactivityKick "0"                       // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is kicked.
seta g_InactivitySpec "180"                     // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is moved to spectator.
seta g_filterban "1"                            // If "0" - only players who are on the banlist may join. 1: people on the banlist may not join.

// Map rotation:
set d1 "map mb2_dotf;set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map mb2_commtower;set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "map mb2_tradefed;set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "map mb2_lunarbase;set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "map mb2_republiccruiser;set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "map mb2_jabba;set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "map mb2_jeditemple;set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "map mb2_tatooine;set nextmap vstr d9"
set d9 "map mb2_kamino;set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1     // Start the first map in the rotation

What should we change first is:
seta sv_hostname "" // Name of your server
seta rconpassword "" // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS

The rest is optional, every option is commented

Now let's create .bat file so we can start our server.

Open notepad.exe and paste code:
jampDed.exe +set fs_game "MBII" +set net_port 29070 +exec server.cfg

Save as: "server.bat" in GameData folder.

Run server by double-clicking server.bat.

Connection FAQ
1. I can join server but my friends can't. Why?
Make sure you gave your friends public IP Address, and forwarded 29070 port on your router.

2. My server isn't showing up on the server list. Why?
Like before, you need to forward port 29070 on your router. How to Port Forward

3. What is my public IP Address?
Here: What is my IP? -

4. What is port forwarding and why do i need it?
This will be edited today :) Paint is killing me.

To be added:
smod commands,
rcon commands
how to setup rtv,
anything else?
Last edited by a moderator:


Movie Battles II Team Retired

I'm at work, so i will edit this thread later and attach some screenshots.


Slayed dreamer
To be added:
smod commands,
rcon commands
how to setup rtv,
anything else?
Configuring firewall. It made difference in recent thread about hosting:
Hosting Server - my server isnt listed | Movie Battles II Community
Users should be warned about importance of correct firewall's settings, about existence Windows built-in firewall.
Sometimes users do not know they have firewall running on theirs computers, this usually happens in case of 'security suite' software which includes antivirus and firewall, not just antivirus (ESET NOD, Kaspersky, Comodo...).

Also it can be mentioned that they need an ISP which gives to clients 'white' IP address or opens ports by request.
In fact, it's necessary to configure any kind of NAT you have to made a server accessible from Internet. This is related to port forwarding of router, but not exactly same.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Firewall always makes a difference, same goes for NAT and forwarding port through router and public IP. I will add it.
Where do i put Server.cfg or where do i find it? Cant navigate on this tutorial ffs.
And no descreption about portforwarding IP adding, cant go overwith it.
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Slayed dreamer
Where do i put Server.cfg or where do i find it?
What do you mean? Why not just copy-paste from this guide? Anyway, I've uploaded config from first post as file, just download and rename it (forum doesn't accept .cfg extension).
Cant navigate on this tutorial ffs.
I don't get it.
And no descreption about portforwarding IP adding, cant go overwith it.
What router do you have? Brand, model? Just google
<router model> port forwarding
and you'll get tons of guides.

Anyway, you need to open web-interface of your router. Use manual (physical paper) that came with a router to find out router's address or look to Connection Status => Support => Default Getaway.
It's typically assigned to:

Then open page that configures what you need. It's often called "Port forwarding", "Virtual server", "Port translation" etc.

Add rules: allow TCP and UDP to <your private IP, kinda>, port 29070 (or whatever you set in .bat file / server.cfg).
Use Connection Status => Support to find out what your IP is.

Click "OK", "Save", "Apply" etc.






  • server.cfg.txt
    7.6 KB · Views: 814
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Slayed dreamer
Thanks for feedback.

"What router do you have? Brand, model?"
TP-LINK is only a brand, not a model. They make a lot of different routers, you should mention what exactly router do you have.
Searching in google gives a lot of instructions for port forwarding on TP-LINK, you shouldn't have any problems with configuring your router. But if you have, please write much more informative replies, include detailed description of steps you took and output you got. Providing screenshots is strongly recommended.

I've updated my previous post with port forwarding related screenshots for some common TP-LINK router.


Slayed dreamer
I think i messed up something.


Btw the model is TL-WR841N.
My screenshots should fit your model as well.

And please, start post much more information about your issues. I can't just guessing, and our telepaths are on vacation.
What you're trying to tell with your last message? Do you still experience problem? What steps did you taken? What output did you get?
Post screenshots of your router's settings, post more screenshots of console of your server, post config of your server, post detailed description of what your question is.

Don't forget, you have to add something like
map mb2_dotf
at the bottom of your config.

Also you need to set up your firewall, including the one build in Windows, and software like Kaspersky Internet Security or ESET NOD, if you have any.


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Somehow the default server.cfg got lost in the last 2 patches.
// Movie Battles II
// Sample Server Config

// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname ""                                        // Name of your server
seta g_motd "Welcome to my MB2 Server\nHave fun!"        // Message of the Day

// Additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 ""                // Master servers - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Administration:
seta rconpassword ""                                    // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS

// See MBII_Readme (GameData folder) for info on bitvalues!
// If g_smodconfig_1 is set to 0, smod system is disabled.
// Accounts without password are disabled aswell.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 ""                            // Smod admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodConfig_1 "8191"                                 // All commands enabled
seta g_smodAdminPassword_2 ""
seta g_smodConfig_2 "7"                                 // Kick, nextmap, map.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_3 ""
seta g_smodConfig_3 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_4 ""
seta g_smodConfig_4 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_5 ""
seta g_smodConfig_5 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_6 ""
seta g_smodConfig_6 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_7 ""
seta g_smodConfig_7 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_8 ""
seta g_smodConfig_8 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_9 ""
seta g_smodConfig_9 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_10 ""
seta g_smodConfig_10 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_11 ""
seta g_smodConfig_11 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_12 ""
seta g_smodConfig_12 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_13 ""
seta g_smodConfig_13 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_14 ""
seta g_smodConfig_14 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_15 ""
seta g_smodConfig_15 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_16 ""
seta g_smodConfig_16 "0"

// Logging
seta g_log "games.log"                // Filename to record logging information to. ex: "serverlog.txt" If left blank, do not log.
seta g_logClientInfo "0"            // Logs client information changes if set to 1 (More detailed logging, useful in matching clients to IPs.)
seta g_logSync "0"                    // Use synchronous appending in log writes. (May impact server performance if set to 1(Not generally recommended), but may provide more detailed logs if a crash occurs.)

// Server Settings:
seta sv_fps "40"                    // Server FPS setting.
seta sv_maxclients "32"                // Number of your server's player slots
seta sv_privateClients ""            // Number of private slots
seta sv_privatePassword ""            // Password for using the private slots
seta sv_pure "0"                    // Pure setting - 0 = off, 1 = on. If enabled, clients can only use pk3s which match the ones on the server.
seta sv_maxRate "25000"                // Server-side cap for /rate. Settings higher than 25000 do not improve the client's ping.
seta sv_maxPing "0"                    // Only players with a ping below this can connect to your server. "0" = disabled.
seta sv_timeout "600"                // Timeout - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_minSnaps "20"                // Sets minimum snaps client can have.
seta sv_minRate "2000"                // Sets minimum rate client can have.
seta sv_maxConnections "3"            // Maximum number of connections from one IP (prevents many crash scripts).
seta sv_floodProtect "1"            // Prevent flooding of chat and admin commands.

// Movie Battles II Settings:
seta g_gametype "7"                    // Gametype - 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles Mode.
seta fraglimit "15"                    // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "20"                // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit "0"                    // Timelimit. No point using this, seeing as rounds end after 5 minutes.
seta g_MinMBPoints "80"                // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "3"            // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "0"                // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic.
seta g_allowedHeroClasses "0"        // Limit classes on Hero team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_allowedVillainClasses "0"    // Limit classes on Villain team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_TimePeriod "0"                // Set time period in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_EUAllowed "1"                // Allow / disallow Expanded Universe models in Open Mode. 0 = disallowed, 1 = allowed.

// Anti-Teamkill System:
seta g_TKPointsMinorFriendly "1"        // Ignore damage amounts below 5 for purposes of applying g_TKPointsSpecCount (Stray very minor splash damage is permissible.)
seta g_TKPointsSpecCount "400"            // Player will be forced to spectate if he/she has accrued this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsKickCount "700"            // Player will be kicked and temp-banned from the server if a player has gotten this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsForgiveAfterRounds "2"    // How many rounds must pass without any TKing by the player before g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound applies. 0 = always.
seta g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound "50"        // Each round that passes without the player having done any TKing, this many TKPoints will be removed from their total. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsTempBanForRounds "10"    // Number of rounds player gets banned for after exceeding g_TKPointsKickCount count.

// Misc:
seta g_FullSpecTalkToPlayers "1"    // Allow / disallow spectators talk to 'living' players (ghosting).
seta g_chatProtectTime "250"        // Ammount of time that has to pass between two chat messages sent by player for them to be valid.
seta g_password ""                    // Password players need in order to be able to join your server.
seta g_allowVote "0"                // Allow votes - 0 = all votes disabled, 127 = all votes allowed. See readme for details.
seta g_automapcycle "0"                // Use automapcycle instead of a custom one. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
seta g_dismember "100"                // Dismemberment probability. This is a percentage, i.e. 100 is the maximun setting. Clients have to adjust the cg_dismember cvar accordingly in order to see dismemberment.
seta g_allowNPC "1"                    // Do not alter.
seta g_noSpecMove "0"                // Allow / disallow spectator movement. 0 = spectators can move, 1 = they cannot move.
seta g_AllowEntity_target_level_change "0"    // Whether or not to permit the target_level_change map entity to function. (Maps which utilize this feature can break map rotations.) 1 = enabled. 0 = disabled.
seta g_HideHUDFromSpecs "1"            // 0 = Spectators can view the HUD from 'living' players, 1 = disabled.
seta g_InactivityKick "0"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is kicked.
seta g_InactivitySpec "120"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is moved to the spectator mode.
seta g_filterban "1"                // If "0" - only players who are on the banlist may join. 1: people on the banlist may not join.

// Map rotation:
set d1 "map mb2_commtower;set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map mb2_tradefed;set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "map mb2_lunarbase;set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "map mb2_republiccruiser;set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "map mb2_jabba;set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "map mb2_jeditemple;set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "map mb2_tatooine;set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "map mb2_kamino;set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1                                // Start the first map in the rotation

Put that in a .txt file and save as server.cfg, changing the save type to all.
Somehow the default server.cfg got lost in the last 2 patches.
// Movie Battles II
// Sample Server Config

// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname ""                                        // Name of your server
seta g_motd "Welcome to my MB2 Server\nHave fun!"        // Message of the Day

// Additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 ""                // Master servers - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Administration:
seta rconpassword ""                                    // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS

// See MBII_Readme (GameData folder) for info on bitvalues!
// If g_smodconfig_1 is set to 0, smod system is disabled.
// Accounts without password are disabled aswell.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 ""                            // Smod admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodConfig_1 "8191"                                 // All commands enabled
seta g_smodAdminPassword_2 ""
seta g_smodConfig_2 "7"                                 // Kick, nextmap, map.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_3 ""
seta g_smodConfig_3 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_4 ""
seta g_smodConfig_4 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_5 ""
seta g_smodConfig_5 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_6 ""
seta g_smodConfig_6 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_7 ""
seta g_smodConfig_7 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_8 ""
seta g_smodConfig_8 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_9 ""
seta g_smodConfig_9 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_10 ""
seta g_smodConfig_10 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_11 ""
seta g_smodConfig_11 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_12 ""
seta g_smodConfig_12 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_13 ""
seta g_smodConfig_13 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_14 ""
seta g_smodConfig_14 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_15 ""
seta g_smodConfig_15 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_16 ""
seta g_smodConfig_16 "0"

// Logging
seta g_log "games.log"                // Filename to record logging information to. ex: "serverlog.txt" If left blank, do not log.
seta g_logClientInfo "0"            // Logs client information changes if set to 1 (More detailed logging, useful in matching clients to IPs.)
seta g_logSync "0"                    // Use synchronous appending in log writes. (May impact server performance if set to 1(Not generally recommended), but may provide more detailed logs if a crash occurs.)

// Server Settings:
seta sv_fps "40"                    // Server FPS setting.
seta sv_maxclients "32"                // Number of your server's player slots
seta sv_privateClients ""            // Number of private slots
seta sv_privatePassword ""            // Password for using the private slots
seta sv_pure "0"                    // Pure setting - 0 = off, 1 = on. If enabled, clients can only use pk3s which match the ones on the server.
seta sv_maxRate "25000"                // Server-side cap for /rate. Settings higher than 25000 do not improve the client's ping.
seta sv_maxPing "0"                    // Only players with a ping below this can connect to your server. "0" = disabled.
seta sv_timeout "600"                // Timeout - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_minSnaps "20"                // Sets minimum snaps client can have.
seta sv_minRate "2000"                // Sets minimum rate client can have.
seta sv_maxConnections "3"            // Maximum number of connections from one IP (prevents many crash scripts).
seta sv_floodProtect "1"            // Prevent flooding of chat and admin commands.

// Movie Battles II Settings:
seta g_gametype "7"                    // Gametype - 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles Mode.
seta fraglimit "15"                    // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "20"                // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit "0"                    // Timelimit. No point using this, seeing as rounds end after 5 minutes.
seta g_MinMBPoints "80"                // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "3"            // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "0"                // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic.
seta g_allowedHeroClasses "0"        // Limit classes on Hero team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_allowedVillainClasses "0"    // Limit classes on Villain team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_TimePeriod "0"                // Set time period in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_EUAllowed "1"                // Allow / disallow Expanded Universe models in Open Mode. 0 = disallowed, 1 = allowed.

// Anti-Teamkill System:
seta g_TKPointsMinorFriendly "1"        // Ignore damage amounts below 5 for purposes of applying g_TKPointsSpecCount (Stray very minor splash damage is permissible.)
seta g_TKPointsSpecCount "400"            // Player will be forced to spectate if he/she has accrued this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsKickCount "700"            // Player will be kicked and temp-banned from the server if a player has gotten this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsForgiveAfterRounds "2"    // How many rounds must pass without any TKing by the player before g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound applies. 0 = always.
seta g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound "50"        // Each round that passes without the player having done any TKing, this many TKPoints will be removed from their total. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsTempBanForRounds "10"    // Number of rounds player gets banned for after exceeding g_TKPointsKickCount count.

// Misc:
seta g_FullSpecTalkToPlayers "1"    // Allow / disallow spectators talk to 'living' players (ghosting).
seta g_chatProtectTime "250"        // Ammount of time that has to pass between two chat messages sent by player for them to be valid.
seta g_password ""                    // Password players need in order to be able to join your server.
seta g_allowVote "0"                // Allow votes - 0 = all votes disabled, 127 = all votes allowed. See readme for details.
seta g_automapcycle "0"                // Use automapcycle instead of a custom one. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
seta g_dismember "100"                // Dismemberment probability. This is a percentage, i.e. 100 is the maximun setting. Clients have to adjust the cg_dismember cvar accordingly in order to see dismemberment.
seta g_allowNPC "1"                    // Do not alter.
seta g_noSpecMove "0"                // Allow / disallow spectator movement. 0 = spectators can move, 1 = they cannot move.
seta g_AllowEntity_target_level_change "0"    // Whether or not to permit the target_level_change map entity to function. (Maps which utilize this feature can break map rotations.) 1 = enabled. 0 = disabled.
seta g_HideHUDFromSpecs "1"            // 0 = Spectators can view the HUD from 'living' players, 1 = disabled.
seta g_InactivityKick "0"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is kicked.
seta g_InactivitySpec "120"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is moved to the spectator mode.
seta g_filterban "1"                // If "0" - only players who are on the banlist may join. 1: people on the banlist may not join.

// Map rotation:
set d1 "map mb2_commtower;set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map mb2_tradefed;set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "map mb2_lunarbase;set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "map mb2_republiccruiser;set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "map mb2_jabba;set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "map mb2_jeditemple;set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "map mb2_tatooine;set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "map mb2_kamino;set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1                                // Start the first map in the rotation

Put that in a .txt file and save as server.cfg, changing the save type to all.

Somehow the default server.cfg got lost in the last 2 patches.
// Movie Battles II
// Sample Server Config

// Server Config:
seta sv_hostname ""                                        // Name of your server
seta g_motd "Welcome to my MB2 Server\nHave fun!"        // Message of the Day

// Additional master servers to report to
seta sv_master1 ""                // Master servers - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""

// Administration:
seta rconpassword ""                                    // Rcon admin password - CHANGE THIS

// See MBII_Readme (GameData folder) for info on bitvalues!
// If g_smodconfig_1 is set to 0, smod system is disabled.
// Accounts without password are disabled aswell.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 ""                            // Smod admin password - CHANGE THIS
seta g_smodConfig_1 "8191"                                 // All commands enabled
seta g_smodAdminPassword_2 ""
seta g_smodConfig_2 "7"                                 // Kick, nextmap, map.
seta g_smodAdminPassword_3 ""
seta g_smodConfig_3 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_4 ""
seta g_smodConfig_4 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_5 ""
seta g_smodConfig_5 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_6 ""
seta g_smodConfig_6 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_7 ""
seta g_smodConfig_7 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_8 ""
seta g_smodConfig_8 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_9 ""
seta g_smodConfig_9 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_10 ""
seta g_smodConfig_10 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_11 ""
seta g_smodConfig_11 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_12 ""
seta g_smodConfig_12 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_13 ""
seta g_smodConfig_13 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_14 ""
seta g_smodConfig_14 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_15 ""
seta g_smodConfig_15 "0"
seta g_smodAdminPassword_16 ""
seta g_smodConfig_16 "0"

// Logging
seta g_log "games.log"                // Filename to record logging information to. ex: "serverlog.txt" If left blank, do not log.
seta g_logClientInfo "0"            // Logs client information changes if set to 1 (More detailed logging, useful in matching clients to IPs.)
seta g_logSync "0"                    // Use synchronous appending in log writes. (May impact server performance if set to 1(Not generally recommended), but may provide more detailed logs if a crash occurs.)

// Server Settings:
seta sv_fps "40"                    // Server FPS setting.
seta sv_maxclients "32"                // Number of your server's player slots
seta sv_privateClients ""            // Number of private slots
seta sv_privatePassword ""            // Password for using the private slots
seta sv_pure "0"                    // Pure setting - 0 = off, 1 = on. If enabled, clients can only use pk3s which match the ones on the server.
seta sv_maxRate "25000"                // Server-side cap for /rate. Settings higher than 25000 do not improve the client's ping.
seta sv_maxPing "0"                    // Only players with a ping below this can connect to your server. "0" = disabled.
seta sv_timeout "600"                // Timeout - do not alter unless you know what you are doing.
seta sv_minSnaps "20"                // Sets minimum snaps client can have.
seta sv_minRate "2000"                // Sets minimum rate client can have.
seta sv_maxConnections "3"            // Maximum number of connections from one IP (prevents many crash scripts).
seta sv_floodProtect "1"            // Prevent flooding of chat and admin commands.

// Movie Battles II Settings:
seta g_gametype "7"                    // Gametype - 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 7 = MovieBattles Mode.
seta fraglimit "15"                    // If a team reaches this amount of won rounds, it wins the map.
seta roundlimit "20"                // When the total rounds reaches this amount, the map ends. Ties may happen.
seta timelimit "0"                    // Timelimit. No point using this, seeing as rounds end after 5 minutes.
seta g_MinMBPoints "80"                // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players start out with.
seta g_MBPointsPerRound "3"            // Semi-Authentic: Amount of MB points players gain every round.
seta g_Authenticity "0"                // MB Mode setting - 0 = Open mode, 1 = Semi-Authentic, 2 = Full-Authentic.
seta g_allowedHeroClasses "0"        // Limit classes on Hero team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_allowedVillainClasses "0"    // Limit classes on Villain team in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_TimePeriod "0"                // Set time period in Open mode. See Readme for details.
seta g_EUAllowed "1"                // Allow / disallow Expanded Universe models in Open Mode. 0 = disallowed, 1 = allowed.

// Anti-Teamkill System:
seta g_TKPointsMinorFriendly "1"        // Ignore damage amounts below 5 for purposes of applying g_TKPointsSpecCount (Stray very minor splash damage is permissible.)
seta g_TKPointsSpecCount "400"            // Player will be forced to spectate if he/she has accrued this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsKickCount "700"            // Player will be kicked and temp-banned from the server if a player has gotten this many TKPoints for team kills or hurting teammates. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsForgiveAfterRounds "2"    // How many rounds must pass without any TKing by the player before g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound applies. 0 = always.
seta g_TKPointsRemovedPerRound "50"        // Each round that passes without the player having done any TKing, this many TKPoints will be removed from their total. 0 = disabled.
seta g_TKPointsTempBanForRounds "10"    // Number of rounds player gets banned for after exceeding g_TKPointsKickCount count.

// Misc:
seta g_FullSpecTalkToPlayers "1"    // Allow / disallow spectators talk to 'living' players (ghosting).
seta g_chatProtectTime "250"        // Ammount of time that has to pass between two chat messages sent by player for them to be valid.
seta g_password ""                    // Password players need in order to be able to join your server.
seta g_allowVote "0"                // Allow votes - 0 = all votes disabled, 127 = all votes allowed. See readme for details.
seta g_automapcycle "0"                // Use automapcycle instead of a custom one. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
seta g_dismember "100"                // Dismemberment probability. This is a percentage, i.e. 100 is the maximun setting. Clients have to adjust the cg_dismember cvar accordingly in order to see dismemberment.
seta g_allowNPC "1"                    // Do not alter.
seta g_noSpecMove "0"                // Allow / disallow spectator movement. 0 = spectators can move, 1 = they cannot move.
seta g_AllowEntity_target_level_change "0"    // Whether or not to permit the target_level_change map entity to function. (Maps which utilize this feature can break map rotations.) 1 = enabled. 0 = disabled.
seta g_HideHUDFromSpecs "1"            // 0 = Spectators can view the HUD from 'living' players, 1 = disabled.
seta g_InactivityKick "0"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is kicked.
seta g_InactivitySpec "120"            // Time in seconds until an inactive (i.e. not moving etc) client is moved to the spectator mode.
seta g_filterban "1"                // If "0" - only players who are on the banlist may join. 1: people on the banlist may not join.

// Map rotation:
set d1 "map mb2_commtower;set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map mb2_tradefed;set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "map mb2_lunarbase;set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "map mb2_republiccruiser;set nextmap vstr d5"
set d5 "map mb2_jabba;set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "map mb2_jeditemple;set nextmap vstr d7"
set d7 "map mb2_tatooine;set nextmap vstr d8"
set d8 "map mb2_kamino;set nextmap vstr d1"

vstr d1                                // Start the first map in the rotation

Put that in a .txt file and save as server.cfg, changing the save type to all.
sorry but i am windows 10 so if i make bat file it doesnt work do you know how to stop this?
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Slayed dreamer
sorry but i am windows 10 so if i make bat file it doesnt work do you know how to stop this?
You should provide much more information. Telepaths are on vacation (c).

What did write in the bat file, where did you place it? What is path of your config file? What error did you get? What happens when you start a server?
"it doesnt work" says nothing to me. Post a screenshot of server's console window.
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