Mb2_Sarlacc - new jabba sail barge map

Hello Movie Battles 2 Community! My name is Langerd - i am mapper that is mostly active on jkhub.

I just downloaded Movie Battles 2 and gave it a try. I must say... i am more than immpressed. It is a masterpiece of the mod and it finally gave me intrest to play multiplayer with jk3 players. I was never fan of multiplayer experience but now i not only want to be part of the community as the player - but as modder too. If you want of course. So in my first post i will give you my first post with my suggestion and my work in progress on the map - It is Jabba Sail Barge.


The rest of the images are here :
imgur album dSOz3

My idea for the objective is make this big cannon that Leia destroyed tha barge. The Rebels must destroy the barge by hacking the cannon to (Like Luke Said in the movie) POINT AT THE DECK! . They can do it manualy (like Leia in the movie and this will take longer) or faster method (in the cockpit of the barge) that will rotate the canon much much faster BUT the canon still must be activated manualy (the time to activate will be very fast).

What do you think and do you like the idea of the map like this?

Skiff model is AshuraDX's model but i changed textures and changed model to MD3.

Map is ready for the testing!

.pk3 file from above goes to "Jedi Academy\Movie Battles 2\GameData\MBII" In order to run the map start your local server and in the console input "/map mb2_sarlacc". Please, provide me with some feedback!
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OK! New screens. This site is 100% designed by me and it is not finished. Basiclly i came up that this time khetanna crew wanted to fix many things on the barge and they had some prisoners to feed them to sarlacc - kill two birds with one stone

This is the spawn for the Gangsters team. Well of course you can go to the open area but why you would do that? Better idea is to go inside the barge! So i removed the staircase because it looked weird and i made this whole place like it is some construction site. This place is still WIP (give some ideas or better yet - what you want to make. If you will convince me i might make it ;) Elevator works the best way i could came up with - if someone will use the buttons - doesnt matter if bottom or top these buttons works like single trigger. There will be no situation that enemy from the top will keep spaming use to block the elevator

imgur album PUNfO

As a mapper i am paying attention on the gameplay. Examples:
-If you want to kill someone by the environment - Sarlacc is the 95% chance to get your enemy and you killed.
-the windows and area behind them are not just cosmetics. You can jump on them and even get on them to reach the top of the barge.
You can also walk behind and ambush the enemy. But be careful!!! It is easy to slip at fall on the sand or into the sarlacc.
-The same goes with the front of the barge. It is to be honest the easiest and the fastest way to get on the top of the barge. The biggest issue here is that you are easy target and there are no options to take cover or even escape. The defenders should always look on this spot.
-And of course - i dont know if you like them or not - some easter eggs! like the one with the skiff

imgur album IOWjl

I also made the objective! Moving but not working 100%. (I hope i will finish this before 20th of this month).

In the plans i have also the skiff that is moving and it can be driveable. But there are more important things to do.
For those who want to test this map and put it on the server that is on the server list - When exactly you want me to upload the WIP of this map?


For those who want to test this map and put it on the server that is on the server list - When exactly you want me to upload the WIP of this map?

Anytime! Please, contact owner of {SF} @isair to have it all done swiftly. We can get the WIP .pk3 from this thread and he will host a server with this map for us. It will run for a couple of days so you can get the feedback.
Ok! So i will try to finish 2 things before uploading it here. First is the finishing objective to just make exploding barge as the win for Rebels. I had hard time to understand how it works for the siege files. Also the informing players about where are rebels. I think it can be done with the trigger_multiple or trigger_once.

And second and it is i think.. most impprtant thing ... optimalizng this map.
Ok to be 100% clear - this is mostly my vision on the map and some plecements are movie accurate but mostly map is how i wanted to make things.

Non special edition you mean sarlacc without the mouth? Only pit?

I will look for this as the inspiration too.

I want to make one skiff that will be driveable at some point.
Behind the barge i made a lot of changes. This whole place will look like they are fixing the skiffs and barge. I will show you some screens soon
Yes only the pit the one with the mouth looks retarded.
Also, just to put my observations in, I would be careful about making a map like this. If the map is too small or the barge is too small, this map would be incredibly annoying because people could spam nades everywhere. Imagine spawning in and just chucking 2 fire nades and 2 frag grenades into the barge as an imperial and killing 8 people
Also, just to put my observations in, I would be careful about making a map like this. If the map is too small or the barge is too small, this map would be incredibly annoying because people could spam nades everywhere. Imagine spawning in and just chucking 2 fire nades and 2 frag grenades into the barge as an imperial and killing 8 people

That is why map will be able for you Today or tommorow!! To check it. When i will be back home i will upload it on dropbox. I will also try to get new screens and show you newest changes.

Yeah this would be a problem. I dont want bullcrap like nuketown in call of duty black ops - a helicopter spawn killer.
The spawns are far from each other and i believe we will not be able to throw it to the other spawn.

Also i didnt want rebels to spawn on the middle of sand. The map is a came up idea. So i put in the random order rebel capsules from the transport. - these capsules that we see in the rebel transporter. When they were crashing on the middle of the desert these capsules float from the transporter and fell on the sand.

Even if i will upload it soon some points.
-Objective works meaning that cannon is rotate - able and if it will get to the fire position - there are no lasers. I still cant find a way to add them. The exlosion BIIG EXplosion is there. If rebels will destroy the barge they win. Every rotation give us 10 points as i remember
-i didnt made any offical levelshot and map on the radar. Also minimap is from smuggler. I will just leave it for beta testing or just remove map completely or make something fast. What you think?
-i have a hard time to make it optimalized... i will try to make it work better in the future. Maybe because i worked a lot wih the models and not with brushes.
-And there is only one objective finished - turret. Pay attention on this that this map is still WIP. I didnt made cockpit yet.
Also there are not many clipping work but i thought that there is a fun on making barge like a pirate ship- many places to stand or catch on

Other than that i added some new props and also - FLYING SKIFF!!! It is not using func_train because it is bugged... the func_static with script worked fine.
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Different sized maps are better for different sized populations. I don't expect this map to be perfect for 32/32, but it seems great for 6v6 like smuggler is, plus it's beautiful!
Thanks! Yes i think it is not a 32/32 map but i suggest higher number of players. 10/10 or even 12/12 would be the best. It is not huge but it is not small like smuggler. Remember that Barge is not the only part of the map. And i think players for themselves know when place is to crowded so they look for other place to fight.
I also think about flying skiff for rebels. It is like very dangerous tactic so it would be optional. But risky tactic = very close to the objective. It would fly beyond the sarlacc pit and stop next to the barge. Any gunner pushed by grenade or sith will fall into the sarlacc. I think i will add it to add this nice aggresive risky tactic.



so I managed to run it. I had to manually do /map mb2_sarlacc once I was on my local server.
File goes in to MBII Folder.

@Langerd nie mam żadnych problemów z wydajnością ale pewnie 90% osób tutaj będzie miało bo taki płacz był jak zmienione Dotf wyszło XD

Najbardziej to mi się zwierzątko podoba. Wnętrze jest niesamowite, ile detali... jest ten clipping jak mówiłeś widać przez ściany. Drugi spawn miałem w jakimś dziwnym miejscu nie wydaje mi się żeby było dobre było tam gdzie zaczynają Gangsterzy ale w jakimś rogu. Jak dla mnie to zawsze trzeba całą mapę widzieć bo jest taka fajna =)

Część w której zaczynają Gangsterzy jest solidna i bym nic nie zmieniał snajperzy to będą po prostu tu szaleć.

Nie jest jakaś udana część w której zaczyna druga frakcja. Zamiast tych pustaków może coś ala Tusken Raiders camp by bardziej pasowało albo miejsce w którym zbierają się jacyś normalni ludzie oglądać te egzekucje u Jabby i robiłoby za zasłonę czy coś w tym stylu. Nie ma tego typowego efektu spadania jak nas Sarlacc zjada co mamy np. jak spadniemy w Generator Room Dotf.

Dźwięk otwierania drzwi na górnej części pokładu musi się zmienić, będzie fajny detal jak zrobisz ten gong co jest w pomieszczeniu dzwoniący będą się Wookiee i inne typki bawić. Fajnie gdyby pojawiło się dodatkowe wejście na górny pokład bo ludzie będą kampić te wąskie drzwiczki. Może jakaś drabinka na rufie, nie wiem coś co by Gangsterzy też mieli pod kontrolą ale żeby była dodatkowa droga do zdobycia.

Dokładnie pod statkiem gdzie można się dostać bardzo łatwo utknąć jakieś fragmenty statku niewidzialne? Jest tam wyraźnie przejście ale jakieś niewidzialne ściany nas blokują.

Jakiś dismember modelu gracza Sarlacc powinien dostać żeby model jak miecz jego paszcza rozczłonkowywała bo się spada jak do studni. Nie ma tych fajnych puchatych zwierzątek co na nich Tuskeni jeździli one mogłyby służyć za zasłonę i jakaś wydma!

Jedna łódka może być rozbita albo jakaś inna są wszystkie takie same.

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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@Langerd Sweet, just downloaded it and brought it up locally, looks really cool in terms of both layout and visuals, but I will say my framerate drops quite a lot when I look over the map from a distance, and when I was flying around in spectator at certain angles I could see visuals popping in and out, like, skiffs on one side of the barge not being visible from the other side of the barge (when looking across the nose of the barge).

I know other really super open maps like Jakku (village) have framerate problems, and I know the stuff popping in and out must be itself a framerate optimization, so I know I'm listing conflicting problems. Maybe the overall design (and therefore amount of props) could be made simpler? Or some other way of reducing polys? I'm not a mapmaker so idk exactly what's responsible for the framedrop.

so I managed to run it. I had to manually do /map mb2_sarlacc once I was on my local server.
File goes in to MBII Folder.

@Langerd nie mam żadnych problemów z wydajnością ale pewnie 90% osób tutaj będzie miało bo taki płacz był jak zmienione Dotf wyszło XD

Najbardziej to mi się zwierzątko podoba. Wnętrze jest niesamowite, ile detali... jest ten clipping jak mówiłeś widać przez ściany. Drugi spawn miałem w jakimś dziwnym miejscu nie wydaje mi się żeby było dobre było tam gdzie zaczynają Gangsterzy ale w jakimś rogu. Jak dla mnie to zawsze trzeba całą mapę widzieć bo jest taka fajna =)

Część w której zaczynają Gangsterzy jest solidna i bym nic nie zmieniał snajperzy to będą po prostu tu szaleć.

Nie jest jakaś udana część w której zaczyna druga frakcja. Zamiast tych pustaków może coś ala Tusken Raiders camp by bardziej pasowało albo miejsce w którym zbierają się jacyś normalni ludzie oglądać te egzekucje u Jabby i robiłoby za zasłonę czy coś w tym stylu. Nie ma tego typowego efektu spadania jak nas Sarlacc zjada co mamy np. jak spadniemy w Generator Room Dotf.

Dźwięk otwierania drzwi na górnej części pokładu musi się zmienić, będzie fajny detal jak zrobisz ten gong co jest w pomieszczeniu dzwoniący będą się Wookiee i inne typki bawić. Fajnie gdyby pojawiło się dodatkowe wejście na górny pokład bo ludzie będą kampić te wąskie drzwiczki. Może jakaś drabinka na rufie, nie wiem coś co by Gangsterzy też mieli pod kontrolą ale żeby była dodatkowa droga do zdobycia.

Dokładnie pod statkiem gdzie można się dostać bardzo łatwo utknąć jakieś fragmenty statku niewidzialne? Jest tam wyraźnie przejście ale jakieś niewidzialne ściany nas blokują.

Jedna łódka może być rozbita albo jakaś inna są wszystkie takie same.


Ok.. i tu mnie zdziwiłeś. Aż sie głupio czuje że nie zapytałem tu nikogo wcześniej X)

Yeah i will change those capsules to the tusken camps. Also there is problem with optimalize this map and i will try to make it work..

About sarlacc i am 100% sure that i gave there this falling effect (the one with screen going black ) .. weird.

Of course there are many things i need to change :) but i hope that this map will not lag too much


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Looking at it again, perhaps remove a bunch of the "shipping crates" and small skiffs and overall bring the focus of the map very much in on spawning close to the main skiff and fighting over it. For the sake of framerate.

(My framerate drops as low as 85 just looking at it myself, so I assume it would drop below 60 quite readily if there were players running around.)
@Langerd Sweet, just downloaded it and brought it up locally, looks really cool in terms of both layout and visuals, but I will say my framerate drops quite a lot when I look over the map from a distance, and when I was flying around in spectator at certain angles I could see visuals popping in and out, like, skiffs on one side of the barge not being visible from the other side of the barge (when looking across the nose of the barge).

I know other really super open maps like Jakku (village) have framerate problems, and I know the stuff popping in and out must be itself a framerate optimization, so I know I'm listing conflicting problems. Maybe the overall design (and therefore amount of props) could be made simpler? Or some other way of reducing polys? I'm not a mapmaker so idk exactly what's responsible for the framedrop.

This is what i will also take to consideration. My map is very detailed. I tried to cut it with VIS techniiques but i had a hard time.. yeah barge is disapearing - this was my try to do it. This will be fixed i hope in the future.

This hole in the map was something that i planned. The make things invisible - not to render when we cant see them... but i failed and had a lot of problems. i hope i will find solution fot this.

Skiff Models are made by AshuraDX - Member formthe Jkhub. Great Modeler and Artist. He gave me permission to use them. But i think they are too detailed and i should make them simpler to make amaount of poligons much much lower.
And also the best way to check it is to write in the console :

Developer 1 and after that r_showtris 1

The game will turn on visibility of all rendered trangles that everything is made of. This shows what is actually loaded while we see things. My map is to be honest .. in 0 state because we can see everything behind the barge. And this NEED to change. I am working on it.
AAA Btw. The Skiff on the Gangsters site - The one that is floating higher than the rest is FLYABLE. Just go to the console of it end press button. You will fly on it to the Rebels spawn ;)