FTG Recruitment 2018!

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
Hello! I'd like to announce that our clan is recruiting new members. We are semi-competitive/social clan for Movie Battles. FTG or Fletcher Time Gaming, is about three main things: Sportsmanship, Competition, and Fun. Unlike a lot of other clans, we aim to help other players and conceive new friendships between all members. We are about leading and setting the example for the Movie Battles community. Having fun doesn't just apply to us. We want to make sure the people around us are also having fun. Knowing when to be competitive and when not to be. Part of being in the clan is helping players adjust to Movie Battles and making sure the community stays active. There s no social hierarchy here (despite the name being quite off-putting), this clan is shaped daily by it's members. That being said, we always take suggestions into account to help change our community.

What we are not, is toxic, unfriendly, or trolls. We also are not some kind of fictional military. There are no ranks, no initiation, or training. Everyone is equal.

That being said we have some guidelines (not rules, but guidelines)
  • Have sportsmanship
    1. This means, not taunting players that are not as good as you, and instead not being a sore loser. Every player is there to get better and have fun.
  • Keep your cool
    1. Keep your temper under control. This game is frustrating, but losing your temper will not make you better at the game.
  • Respect other clans
    1. We are not here to start fights. Respect other clans and their members. Feel free however to schedule competitive matches between clans.
  • Play the objective in competitive game modes when necessary
    1. Even if your team is playing for kills, set the example by playing the objective. That is the point of open mode. "Cool Duelz" are for Duel mode.
    2. This also means having honor in honor duel servers.
  • Balance the game.
    1. Join the team with less players
    2. If someone is struggling, join their team and help them.
    3. This also means balance skill, instead of joining a random team, see which team has the least experienced player and join them
  • Have fun
    1. Sometimes these rules can't be met, at least try your hardest to have as much fun as possible, while also making sure other players are having fun.

If you follow these guidelines loosely, you are FTG material. Apply here: Clan Applications | Fletcher Time Gaming

FTG Discord:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here, or on the FTG forums.