Force Power for jedi to counter Sith OP'ness like Lighting and Grip

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

I have been playing the newest patch lately, and since our FP regeneration is so slow for us jedi, everytime we are at like half fp or less we are just getting gripped and then slashed with blue. My suggestion is to allow the jedis to have new force powers. Sith shouldn't be the only one having cool force powers. I think we should have a force power for jedi called " Force Grip " that would basically almost work as Choke, BUT would not do damage, and could be used to do superpushed, what it does is stop the enemy's action and depending on its level, like if its grip 3 then you can move him around, and combined with push 3 you can do superpush with it, the animation would be a bit different, it would be like lifting up something with the force, in other words force telekinesis. idk what most people would think about it, in my opinion would be cool so just came here to share my view on it.


Internal Beta Team
There is a counter to grip its called push
It's not that great of a counter tbh. All the sith has to do is let go of grip the instant it triggers. Your saber goes down, and if you push you only wasted 20FP because the sith is holding block.

Also, there's this hilarious thing you can do with grip 3 where you just swing them around you wildly as fast as you can and they'll have tons of trouble pushing you because they can't aim at you.

{Δ} Achilles

There was supposed to be changes to Grip and Lightning. One can only hope they're still coming. I don't know who pushed this hilariously unfinished and broken patch through, but it isn't balanced right now.
Like the jedi power Absorb?

Its the blue stuff that comes out of yoda's hands when palpy electrocutes him and he drops his saber. The other jedi have to use their sabers to block palpatines lightning because yoda is a jerk for never passing that knowledge to anyone else.

It was also a jedi power in JO.

A suggestion for a new power. In Dark Forces 2 and a couple MB2 FA maps sith have a power called deadly sight. The jedi should have a power like that only it makes storm troopers see their team mates as enemies. Or think of the movie Little Nicky when he uses his good power to make fluffy bunnies and chicken for the demons.



Movie Battles II Team Retired
Push doesn't work at all in the new patch, not really, especially on deathstar ( CQB ) maps/places. You literally don't have time to do push, all he does, grips you, drops you like real fast, slashes you within 0.5 second with a quick blue swing, that's it. Sith holding block, you are SOL then.

This is unfortunately true, yes, as is StarWarsGeek's comment on grip 3. Hasn't got a thing to do with 1.4.3, either - it's been around since 1.3 at the very least (I don't remember which version I first played, but it was probably 1.2 or 1.3). :(

Mind you, giving Jedi the same thing != balance. Speaking as someone who prefers the red team, I'd much rather fix things Sithside than let Jedi get a 'enemy saber off' button of their own.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
The FP regen feels wonky and it almost feels like it punishes players for holding block. I'd rather see the old FP mechanics back. This just doesn't seem to be working.

It makes FB1-2 builds very much obsolete at the least as there are less means to maintain a high FP count in a fight where you need to fend off a saberist AND a gunner. Every running move you make will end up depleting your FP and BP. Falling back to defending with block gives you nothing worthwhile back.

If the reasoning for this change is to encourage blocking, it's achieved the exact opposite. Sure, it makes a jedi really strong in 1v1 against a gunner, but it makes fighting against multiple targets really hard.

A better choice to encourage blocking would be this:
  • Revert back to 1.4.2 as a baseline
  • Decrease FP drains for medium/close IDR while blocking moderately
  • Consider increasing FP drains for very close IDR while blocking to discourage facehug deflecting
  • Moderately increase FP drains for medium/close IDR while running
This will create a zone around the gunner where he'll force the Jedi to slow down or suffer extensive damage. By adjusting it moderately (roughly 5-10%) it will also be a soft barrier which allows for some flexibility and is not a harsh nerf to certain playstyles. It will simply shift the metagame towards blocking slightly.

Tampering with FP regen rates like this is only resulting in inconsistency and lose-lose scenarios for the Jedi. Such as being unable to regen FP to guard against Grip in a teamfight.
can any dev post the reasoning behind the changes to fp regen? what was the problem they sought to solve with it, and how does it go about solving that problem in practice?
There is a counter to grip its called push

seeing stuff like this makes me sad, because now for an extremely minor investment in points a sith can completely screw over a jedi in any sort of group encounter beyond simple 1v1. and then people call the counter using another 20 fp when you're already low enough to be gripped


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
it makes a jedi really strong in 1v1 against a gunner, but it makes fighting against multiple targets really hard.
Arguably, this is a good thing, if you're like me and you'd like the meta to be teamplay-oriented rather than lone-wolf-friendly.

My only real frustration about that is that AOD Pandemonium tends to devolve into masses of lone-wolf jedi/sith (with some hero/BH sprinkled in) rather than grouping into effective anti-wolf mixed forces.
a force power for jedi called " Force Grip " that would basically almost work as Choke, BUT would not do damage, and could be used to do superpushed, what it does is stop the enemy's action and depending on its level, like if its grip 3 then you can move him around, and combined with push 3 you can do superpush with it, the animation would be a bit different, it would be like lifting up something with the force, in other words force telekinesis. idk what most people would think about it, in my opinion would be cool so just came here to share my view on it.

you can already do grip superpush with grip 3 and push 3 if you have your fists out ;)
I don't get the problem with grip.It takes not only a LOT of point,but you can also counter it(as a Jedi): Push the sith who isn't blocking/jump and activate the saber and defend yourself/rely on your teammates(unless you rush obj shouting "RUSH B" or something like that,in that case it's only the Jedi's fault and not of the Grip user).
all devs have to do to fix this unbalanced force power:

1) make lightning delectable. accuracy of lightning deflection depends on deflect level. for instance, deflect 1 spits it out like a shotgun to nearby players in front of you doing minimal damage. deflect 2 does the same, but a bit more accurate with more damage. deflect 3 shoots it in a clean line back at the person using the lightning force power.

2) yes, grip for jedi, but not grip. more like force lift/levitate where you lift them up using the force, like JA and JO force grip. where you literally jusy levitate them. same principle where you can superpush them, the actual force lift does no damage overall though. same levels as force grip, where 1 doesnt let you move them, etc.

3) remove the BS that is staff not getting flinch. i'm fucking tired of these noob ass jedi being able to simply step left and A swing me, regardless if i'm shooting them through the fucking chest. this isn't related to force powers, it's just complete bs lol.

4) buff force repulse, like for real lol. even if a jedi is blocking, a huge ass force wave such as repulse should knock them back. maybe not knock them down, but it should knock them back similiar to force push 3 on shifting gunners. add force essence around model during repulse animation, like TFU2. that would b dope.

5) fix grip... sith can easily let go of grip and boom! you cant push or pull. like wth. force block 3 should allow you to have your saber ignited earlier after grip, allowing for a fair counter to the gay ass grip whores out there,

all devs have to do to fix this unbalanced force power:

1) make lightning delectable. accuracy of lightning deflection depends on deflect level. for instance, deflect 1 spits it out like a shotgun to nearby players in front of you doing minimal damage. deflect 2 does the same, but a bit more accurate with more damage. deflect 3 shoots it in a clean line back at the person using the lightning force power.

2) yes, grip for jedi, but not grip. more like force lift/levitate where you lift them up using the force, like JA and JO force grip. where you literally jusy levitate them. same principle where you can superpush them, the actual force lift does no damage overall though. same levels as force grip, where 1 doesnt let you move them, etc.

3) remove the BS that is staff not getting flinch. i'm fucking tired of these noob ass jedi being able to simply step left and A swing me, regardless if i'm shooting them through the fucking chest. this isn't related to force powers, it's just complete bs lol.

4) buff force repulse, like for real lol. even if a jedi is blocking, a huge ass force wave such as repulse should knock them back. maybe not knock them down, but it should knock them back similiar to force push 3 on shifting gunners. add force essence around model during repulse animation, like TFU2. that would b dope.

5) fix grip... sith can easily let go of grip and boom! you cant push or pull. like wth. force block 3 should allow you to have your saber ignited earlier after grip, allowing for a fair counter to the gay ass grip whores out there,

1)no thank you.Sith force """whore""" is already hard enough.
2)but why?it's stupid.Not only the devs would have to put another force power for siths to balance the selection,but this "levitate" would also be op.Soldiers?Levitate,superpush,dead.Siths with almost no FP?Levitate,superpush,dead.
3)no,staff DOES get flinched,it's just fast and you can't "flinch it" in time,probably.
4)so you mean "do a 50 fp force power that only knocks back the enemies while not actually downing them,so the Jedi/Sith enemies can use Push and jump down the force whore and kill them with a saber"?what's the point of that if you're going to die anyway?
5)tbh,i rarely see "grip whores".and:
I don't get the problem with grip.It takes not only a LOT of point,but you can also counter it(as a Jedi): Push the sith who isn't blocking/jump and activate the saber and defend yourself/rely on your teammates(unless you rush obj shouting "RUSH B" or something like that,in that case it's only the Jedi's fault and not of the Grip user).
6)penekemations :p
ah sorry i thought you were implying this would be a new feature, not just added in for jedi too (without damage).
that's alright, no I meant like Tadek highlighted as 2. A new force power for jedis that would basically be like force grip not force choke, it could lift up a guy without doing damage, stunning him same way as sith but no damage and then superpush for damage. Like if you ever played force unleashed you know what im talking about. I know its jedi academy, but it could work.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
I have no opinion about the balance of this or any of it, I just wanna point out that the "pick up and slam into a wall without choking" maneuver shows up in the Clone Wars TV shows a couple times. I remember Maul doing it to Obi-Wan during the Maul/Opress vs Kenobi fight, and Anakin does it to uhh Barris Offee at the end of their duel in the Jedi Temple. I think Sidious does it to Maul, too.

On a gamey note, though, if both sides could buy that, then I think you'd see a lot of... SBDs placed on slight elevations that they otherwise couldn't get to. And a lot of griefers dangling their teammates in front of enemy fire, probably.