Force choke is useless

Force choke continues to be a meme skill and nothing more. It is virtually useless in open as if there is even 1 other opponent in the area you simply just die upon force choking someone else, and not to mention that its impossible to even get a choke off on a gunner with decent aim or a jedi that knows the concept that the force choke timer resets every time your hit or has push/pull/mindtrick. How I see it is it is a skill that seems to be meant for 1v1's, but fails in being useful at all as someone noob enough to get force choked could have just been easily beaten in a duel anyways, making the ability redundant. This ability should be reworked. Maybe if the ability was more of a stun like thing where when you force choke someone your able to move around freely and fight with fp drain until I release the ability instead of when I get a force choke off I spasm my mouse around to prevent a push or pull, because that looks stupid.

Eazy E

Force choke continues to be a meme skill and nothing more. It is virtually useless in open as if there is even 1 other opponent in the area you simply just die upon force choking someone else, and not to mention that its impossible to even get a choke off on a gunner with decent aim or a jedi that knows the concept that the force choke timer resets every time your hit or has push/pull/mindtrick. How I see it is it is a skill that seems to be meant for 1v1's, but fails in being useful at all as someone noob enough to get force choked could have just been easily beaten in a duel anyways, making the ability redundant. This ability should be reworked. Maybe if the ability was more of a stun like thing where when you force choke someone your able to move around freely and fight with fp drain until I release the ability instead of when I get a force choke off I spasm my mouse around to prevent a push or pull, because that looks stupid.


Grip Techniques:
Grip Slash: Grip
an opponent until their saber turns off, let go and slash them with your saber. The Grip should have turned off their saber leaving them defenceless.
Delayed Grip: If your opponent has good timing and pushes you as soon as you start the Grip, or has bad timing and you need to drain his force power simply start activating grip on him and once it is almost completely activated move your crosshair off him, you will see the hand icon slowly start to open, put your crosshair back onto him to make the hand icon start to close again. Keep taking it on and off him till he tries to push when he does put it back on him and activate the grip (push has a cooldown so he won't be able to use it again instantly) and then use grip slash or throw him around. Against someone with bad timing though you can just keep putting on and off them to force them to consecutively push causing them to waste FP.
Insta-Grip: Same as Delayed Grip but if you move the crosshair of your opponent right before the Grip initiates (within milliseconds) the Grip icon will disappear. When it does keep holding your Grip/Force Power button. When you look back at your opponent you will automatically instantly grip them (you can look away from them for up to 8 seconds from my testing so they won't even see the Grip coming).
Defending vs Push/Pull: With Grip 3 once you have gripped your opponent start quickly turning your mouse to throw them around, this will make it harder for them to aim thus harder for them to push you.
Grip Pull/Push: A lot of opponents will charge at you when you try to activate grip if they do this it gives you the opportunity to push/pull them.
--Activating grip: While grip can be activated at any time, as long as you have force focus or your opponent is below their FP level, the 2 best times are when your opponent is extremely low on FP (that way they may not even be able to push/pull out of it) or when they are on the ground (that way they cannot attack you while you activate it.)