DC-15S Sound replacement

Hello, I wish to replace the sound of the clone trooper rifle with the sound from Battlefront 2. I have the sound file as an mp3, then I used Audacity to use the 'first blaster shot'(***I'm sure you have to input fire1, fire2, fire3 or something like that for the different blaster pitches to be heard right?***)
Here is the mp3 link: DC-15S Blaster Sound.mp3.

I did the following after copying MBassets' directory path > Winrar.zip file > Sounds > weapons > repeater > fire.wav(its at 44100HZ). I then renamed the ZIP file to a pk3, ad droped it into MB2 folder as zzzzz_dc15.pk3. I then tried to make another dc-15s sound file but as an mp3 file and paste it into the repeater folder. It did not work either. When I install a WAV file there is no sound for the primary fire. I looked to the mb2 forums as well as on JKHUB, I seem to have followed the correct format. Obviously, I am doing something wrong because it does not work; any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading <|: D

My progress
: zzzz_DC15S.pk3
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