Calling Cheese is a Long Excuse for low IQ play.


This is what I do to every top duelist, they aren't on my level. They call cheese 🧀 when they start losing, use disarm as a crutch when they start losing a battle, use force pull 3 which should be nerfed already to be punishable with vulnerability after failed use just like push, but it won't, because these are the two crutches Top yellow style plebs use as a crutch to win fights.

Stay salty brazzer!
I find your perspective very interesting assuming it's genuine and not entirely trash talk. You obviously are defensive about the idea of your playstyle being called 'Cheese' but then go on to call other playstyles/counters 'crutches'. I think you would improve even more if you opened your mind to every mechanic, every playstyle, abandoning any notion of 'crutch', 'cheese', etc. and simply doing what you must to win and understanding that if you lose to something you were simply unable to counter it properly in that instance. You seem to have no problem applying this mindset to your opponents but not yourself.

Genuinely interesting and inspirational playstyle/gameplay and I think you could go far if you abandoned all weakness in pursuit of victory like a true villain