Search results

  1. Y

    Visually attractive/appealing dueling

    Who are/were the most visually appealing/attractive duelist to ever play mb2? I'd also like a description of thier dueling style or an explanation for why it makes you feel good when you see it. I'll start with a few Neo - A duelist that could literally become water when dueling his...
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    Yall know who I'm talking about my guy put in the most time and effort please respect that free my guy don't play him like that
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    Advice on how to win duels (Taken from Top players)

    Just PB. Just Win.
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    TK should be buffed

    After the recent nerfs to TKing (significant increase in TK points gained from harming team mates) it has really discouraged or in some cases outlawed alternative playstyles within the game. Tking an ally should at least reward the kill as a stat considering how punishing it is to make the...
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    Patch notes were incomplete

    Final form downstab was also removed from the game and without a proper burial (not even a mention). Final Form Downstab 2022-2022 rest up homie
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    The duelist prayer

    Duels are bad. Staff is bad. Blue is bad. Red is bad. Cyan is bad. Yellow is bad. Purple is ok. Your inferior gameplay is off-putting. My swing block isn't working. Wow this server is laggy. This game is bad. This patch is bad. You are bad. I let you win.
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    Popular MB2 Theories

    Going to do a deep dive Iceberg video and need any relevant information pertaining to these theories. 1. The top 10 duelist in this game are actually just 3 people sharing 7 different personalities. 2. The Tempest patch's release date is hidden in the DDOS attack patterns.(Use morse code to...
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    Purple tips for new players :)

    You may think you enjoy dueling. But it's not enjoyment that you are feeling. It's merely your deeply rooted submissiveness being sated. It's why you rush back to a superior duelist that has just devoured your BP and sliced through your being. You enjoy being a skill marker...a living...
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    Contribution towards unlocking next dueling patch

    I'm doing my part.
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    Dueling Tips for Newer Players

    There's been a surge of newer duelist looking for tips for improving. I've compiled some useful tips. 1. Stop sucking 2.Try and be less bad 3. Cut back on being trash 4. The results of any duel determine your overall status in life 5. Crouch swinging reduces your life expectancy 6. Winning...
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    New MB2 series

    Made a new series. Hope you guys enjoy.