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  1. Chocorope

    1P View Fov

    I was trying Saber Duel in 1P View with my friend and we got amazingly surprised about how fun it is! The issue being we feel the FOV is not optimised enough, most of the fight happens in a very close situation and you can't see most of what's happening. Is there anyway to get a beter 1P View...
  2. Chocorope

    Lyrion's Midi-Dart & Force Vision Change.

    I thought Poison Darts lacked abit of counter plays, an issue which could easily be solved from many cool changes that would also be counterbalanced by adding both a new dart for Bounty Hunters, and also a new use of Force Vision for Jedi...
  3. Chocorope

    GoodOl'Ben & Lyrion's suggestions toward Clone Blob.

    What about keeping blobs as they function right now in 1.4.9, but reducing the speed of the projectile by half (+/-) so that it work exclusively as a CQC tool, as in, if the blobs travels slower, it gives far more opportunity for people to dodge, or push the projectile from afar, which naturally...
  4. Chocorope

    Malfunction Concerning Deflection.

    While I was pointing out to some players how useless is deflect, I crossed with this Malfunction It appears like you just can't deflect multiples shots which hit the blade close from one another :confused: This was recorded with Deflect 3 and Saber Defence 3. It would be advised to also pay...
  5. Chocorope

    My Sugestions Toward MB Disarms.

    Here's my short sujestions toward MB Disarming! Basically to make it simple, MB Disarm would only be triggerable if the enemy is below 30%, or 20% BPs? I think that this peculiar change would make alot more sense → (Considering that, in the scenarioes of low BPs[Stamina], the opponent would be...
  6. Chocorope

    Concerning Polies and Triangles

    I'm working on a very nice, detailed, high quality hilt to replace an [incredibly] outdated one in MB2 that surprisingly no one cared about to upgrade during the years. Problem is I'm having HUGE trouble to find anyone who can answer me about what is considered a suitable, or too high amount of...
  7. Chocorope

    The ultimate, psychological key to vanquish against the Lamers army!

    Here's my guide! Step 1: Convince Everyones to NOT chase zee lemurs! Explanation: Lemurs are like cats... and the more you try to catch the cat, the more it runs, jumps... and enjoys outplaying you...
  8. Chocorope

    Servers browser issues since update?

    Ay! I was wondering if I was the only one having about 2/3 of the serv. list missing since update? Just making sure my server browser aint glitched. Btw..: My search is set for ALL. Is it my game, or people just forgot to update their servs to the new version of the game?
  9. Chocorope

    About Christmas maps... Oh oh Oh!

    I.. I want these maps more often! They.. they make me happy? What about putting XmasMaps every 3 months? Come on, dew it. Bring back the joy into our children hearts! Eliminate all the hatred once and for all. I believe XmasMaps are the good way to approach the situation.
  10. Chocorope

    [SOLVED] Half Server list missing?

    Did I miss something or what? Why half the servs. are gone
  11. Chocorope

    Technical Issue Lago meter problem

    Hi everyone! I'd like to know what are the meanings of the '' red bars, green bars and yellow bars '' in the ingame lago meter tab! Here I explain my problem... Since the patch arrived, I kept having DC issues every 10 second or so! Sometimes it doesn't happen in a couple of minutes though...
  12. Chocorope

    Hardcore Battle! MB2 Idea's Diary (Revisited Class, Blaster, New deflection, Darts & more )

    Blasters should do more damage and be super rewarding for landing a hit. The bolt should travel slightly faster as well because alot of maps have long corridors and also because i think it would make gunfights abit more interesting. Tibana Gas is expensive, and for this reason, we should...
  13. Chocorope

    My MB2 ideas.

    Hi fam! I was reading some posts about Gunners and Jedi balance earlier & got the inspiration to finaly open my mind about things I long time thought about, but never said out loud... I think a lot of people lack to talk about an important point in the equation when debating about the balance...