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  1. GoodOl'Ben

    How to MB2: Tutorial series

    I'll go through some more basic gameplay and core skills to have next week. Once I have that covered, I'll go through Jedi/Sith basics as that seems to be very requested. As the series develops, I'll go into greater depth with classes and abilities I find key.
  2. GoodOl'Ben

    New from the USA

  3. GoodOl'Ben

    New from the US!

  4. GoodOl'Ben Looking back at this, it feels like this trailer... Looking back at this, it feels like this trailer predicted a lot.
  5. GoodOl'Ben


    Lulz is a corruption of LOL which means Lots of Laugh, we can't have that!
  6. GoodOl'Ben

    Miss it so bad :(

    Miss it so bad :(
  7. GoodOl'Ben

    Opinions on dueling/duel mode

    These days I am of the opinion that the old mindset of restricting MB2 solely to Siege mode was a bad idea for the mod's growth. Siege has its audience and Dueling has its audience. Sometimes these two interests overlap, but there are times when they don't and MB2 didn't cater to this much until...
  8. GoodOl'Ben noobtastic! noobtastic!
  9. GoodOl'Ben

    How to MB2: Tutorial series

    Since there's no real tutorials on Youtube or anything, I thought I'd go for it. You'll have to forgive my finnish accent and slightly stuffy voice, but this is all you get. I want to get these things out sooner later than later. Part1: Setup Part2: Baby's first steps Part2.5: Jedi vs...
  10. GoodOl'Ben


    There are still some freezes that you can do. Just need to know how to get them. My personal favourites are the ones achieved with charged grenades. Welcome back!
  11. GoodOl'Ben

    Hi, French Noob incoming !

    Welcome aboard! If you get into the assault mode more, I recommend practicing with soldiers first. Jedi can initially be a bit hard as a new player :)
  12. GoodOl'Ben

    Duel Modpack v1.5! - Saber sounds, hilts, UI and more!

    Really good work! If no better Rey model pops up and RevanKnight gives us an okay, would this be okay to be distributed in MB2?
  13. GoodOl'Ben

    Welcome new players!

    Haha, classic! It's always great to see helpful people out there ^^
  14. GoodOl'Ben

    Suggestion on improving gunners.

    The game is very heavy on the defender's advantage as is. This is largely due to map layouts featuring a lot of closed doors, long corridors and wide open spaces with only a select few entrypoints. So rather than trying to introduce a clunky cover-based system that will just restrict movement...
  15. GoodOl'Ben

    Opinions on dueling/duel mode

    I wouldn't go this excessive even though I do largely share similar concerns. I am happy to have Purple and Cyan in, they look interesting and allow players more variety. Same goes for Staff and Duals. Removing them at this point would just be horrendous. I love them all for the variety they...
  16. GoodOl'Ben

    Working on a few hasty tutorial videos for noobs. Expect something tomorrow or so :D

    Working on a few hasty tutorial videos for noobs. Expect something tomorrow or so :D
  17. GoodOl'Ben

    im back

    What are you doing here?
  18. GoodOl'Ben

    Hello again!

    Oh, welcome back John! Long time no see ^^
  19. GoodOl'Ben

    Hello all. Just bought this game today, so brand new to everything.

    Hope you've got a good time so far ;D See you in-game!
  20. GoodOl'Ben

    Welcome new players!

    Snipers used to be a much bigger problem. Now some maps have begun to be outfitted with layouts that provide multiple avenues of attack to prevent stale stand-offs where a good sniper can lock down an entire area. Most notably DOTF's Side/Secondary unlocks are now much more accessible and it...