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  1. Damn Polak

    is there a way to filter out servers by ping? Also, bump...

    is there a way to filter out servers by ping? Also, bump
  2. Damn Polak

    Polak's short vids

    Here's a short vid I couldn't resist making after I heard some songs... [ CAUTION ] I forgot to apply fade in effect for the audio, so for your own safety start with lowered sound volume and increase gradually. sorry about the quality, my video suite sucks and i'm still experimenting with...
  3. Damn Polak

    News models to come ?

    gibe female model (preferably curvy and rgb) into imp soldier plox
  4. Damn Polak

    What grinds your gears in mb Il?

    oh i get triggered all the time when a red user tanks a frag grenade when ppl keep stacking when no teamplay when noob sith get away with pushspamming when it's RTV time and 14 ppl vote !6 for dotf when someone spams old memes in chat when everyone main are snipers and have to lay suppresive...
  5. Damn Polak

    Hosting Server latency jumps randomly

    should have picked one of dem cheap and lagfree ones
  6. Damn Polak

    In case I will have stopped posting for a longer time, I'm expecting to get kidnapped by NWO...

    In case I will have stopped posting for a longer time, I'm expecting to get kidnapped by NWO soon. Save this post if you're brave
  7. Damn Polak

    @LoU isn't 50kB limit a little overkill? i'm sure the server could handle at least 200...

    @LoU isn't 50kB limit a little overkill? i'm sure the server could handle at least 200...
  8. Damn Polak

    mfw trying to create <50k gifs

    mfw trying to create <50k gifs
  9. Damn Polak

    How to MB2: Tutorial series

    if he did that, he wouldn't send these four rebs flying later btw. isn't this funny how people get owned easily by an advanced player using a new alias?
  10. Damn Polak

    why would anyone do this? in the name of equality? xD

    why would anyone do this? in the name of equality? xD
  11. Damn Polak

    How to MB2: Tutorial series

    it's very important that you do this series, ben after all these dueling tutorials we really needed some gunner protips
  12. Damn Polak

    Boycott ''€24/7 EU DOTF!''

    now, we all know there is a better reason for boycoting dotf 24/7 4 of 5 times i chose a rtv/rotation server over a 247 dotf because reasons you don't really learn the game unless you play on all available maps, right?
  13. Damn Polak

    ikr, whenever i play with him, epic shit happens, and my score increases. superior teamplayer

    ikr, whenever i play with him, epic shit happens, and my score increases. superior teamplayer
  14. Damn Polak

    MB2 Official Event: War of the Classes!

    literally spam wars ppl gonna love it good opportunity to introduce underplayed classes to new players
  15. Damn Polak

    20/20 would eat

    20/20 would eat
  16. Damn Polak

    well, since everything is permitted... EVERYONE, CHECK OUT MY JK3 VIDS...

    well, since everything is permitted... EVERYONE, CHECK OUT MY JK3 VIDS
  17. Damn Polak

    >last seen: Nov 16, 2015 i see you found the pizza quest very absorbing...

    >last seen: Nov 16, 2015 i see you found the pizza quest very absorbing...
  18. Damn Polak

    and then make a bunch of sweet kittens >:3

    and then make a bunch of sweet kittens >:3
  19. Damn Polak

    it's not a mb2 related vid. stop advertising pls

    it's not a mb2 related vid. stop advertising pls
  20. Damn Polak

    DOTF suggestion

    and all these boxes for better hangcamp xD YAY