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  1. Antraxo

    DN is BACK!

    What a weird thread.
  2. Antraxo


  3. Antraxo

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    More content than Battlefront omegalul The best mod ever.
  4. Antraxo

    Leadership Change

    Oh no..wish you guys all the best.
  5. Antraxo

    V1.4.7 Update Released

    Awesome! Thx for the effort!
  6. Antraxo

    Yeh even the one before this pic was one lel.

    Yeh even the one before this pic was one lel.
  7. Antraxo


  8. Antraxo

    The Evolution of Duel of the Fates

    Superb job on the map will play it soon but I have to meme a bit ... ;) Mod is still not called "Duel of the Fates II" ... SAD!
  9. Antraxo

    [WIP] K-2SO player model

    I would love to see K-2SO as a wookie character ingame. That was my wish since I saw Rogue One :D !
  10. Antraxo

    MB2 Moments and Gameplay videos

    Ohh yeah I forgot about jaMME ... maybe there will be another way sometime in the future. Hopefully.
  11. Antraxo

    MB2 Moments and Gameplay videos

    Damn I need to play more and just join servers with Soldier in it. So we might see some pathetic deaths of me.
  12. Antraxo

    DotF gen laser walls

    No. I like the closing mechanic it's like the movie. If this whole game becomes nit-pick-simulator there won't be any fun left. I don't even care if someone wastes 2 minutes of my life in this game.
  13. Antraxo

    I Interviewed the Creator of Jedi Academy's Lightsaber Combat and the MB II EU Admin

    Awesome interview was really professional! Love that he is happy that the game is still active!
  14. Antraxo

    [EXPIRED] 999 ping spikes

    Playing on wifi in 2017 lmao.
  15. Antraxo

    The Unskilled Argument and the Intricacies of Balance

    Damn these clones and they silly blobs!
  16. Antraxo

    Not a medic class , but a medic build

    I would love an astromech class that could have stuff like this... But it will never be made. Pistol Lvl 1,2 & 3 - Just like a blaster but it doesnt do much damage Electroshocker 1 Lvl - Basic Shockstick thing from Academy/JKO does like 5 dmg per shock and shocks idk like the original thing...
  17. Antraxo

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    God damnit Carlos!
  18. Antraxo

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Whenever I get back from work and decide to play I'll see at least one full open server and one full duel server the rest is just either 2/32 players or 0. I mean you can play at almost any time depending on your timezone there is always a hotspot for EU and US. Haven't had the feel yet that...