it has always been set to run as admin before anything btw, and also ive noticed that the only way to get this command box is when i minimize the mb2.exe or else the combination key *ctrl+alt+q* doesnt work.
thank you so much im gonna give this a test.
did a test run and while the file seems to run when i do the combination of keys, but it doesnt do anything to close the program so id ont know if it will only work whne i have the issue or it should work either way.
cant do anything at all and when i try to do ctrl+alt+supr all i get its a black screen and with the mouse pointer, other than that nothing else to do, so i have to force reset pc everything i have this problem.
using windows 10 pro and using cd version.
i dont know about teh processes part, but im guessing no? btw today i had this issues again but i already had the task manager on the background and even that didnt work for closing the game, i had to force reset computer.
i actually like the idea, cloud city deserves more love to be honest, among other maps and not just the crap of dotf, ds and boc (third overplayed map in certain servers)
any suggestions ? cause im still experiencing this issue and ive noticed that is always when a round is about to start or map changeor when the map is gonna load.