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  1. Noob

    Old Jedi Outcast Player Trying New Game

    I personally use 10. But @Lenny try them all and see what fits you best it's all down to your preference.
  2. Noob


    when u combine shitpost with goodpost, u get neutral post. i like it
  3. Noob

    Censorship and bending rules.

    @Jameson ye i said that
  4. Noob

    Censorship and bending rules.

    why? its fun and it gets the point across. unless you are sooo offended by it, given your stance on topic, i dont see a reason to
  5. Noob

    Censorship and bending rules.

    if i were muslim i wouldnt be a thin skinned little bitch who think that jokes are personal attacks on myself or what i believe in. also learn how to edit posts instead of triple posting
  6. Noob

    Jedi survive direct nades/rockets

    That's because it's a stupid idea. healing promotes slowing gameplay down and there wouldnt be a need for more dmg output if reduction is lowered
  7. Noob

    Censorship and bending rules.

    hey dont hate on memes, show liniy sum love kfart
  8. Noob

    How do I add my own fonts?

    z_MB_BaseAssets.pk3 as for where you go from there, no idea
  9. Noob

    Old Jedi Outcast Player Trying New Game

    I recommend changing your crosshair to something smaller. the smaller the crosshair, the less spread you will likely do with the clunky base crosshair.
  10. Noob

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Any word on RGB deka shield mr. Penekedev? :D
  11. Noob

    Jedi survive direct nades/rockets

    it all comes back to that pre flinch/jedi dmg reduction problem which probably will never be reverted :(
  12. Noob


    quit stealing my thunder bye yoink ill c u in a few months k?
  13. Noob

    if your bored

    is this a thread about a guy begging for stream views, or another back and forth between chaos and goliath. frankly @Chaos the Chaotic resistance is futile. down with normie organics like you!
  14. Noob

    Censorship and bending rules.

    and what status is that, ive done it and the only reason they need people is to get a good size of people so they can test balance. they have no regard for ur input lol
  15. Noob

    [OLD, CLOSED] Fixes for MBII from Kitsune Ranger

    honestly i never thought of it but this is a well deserved fix now that it's been done
  16. Noob

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    why dont ppl just pm instead of ego jacking themselves off :rolleyes:
  17. Noob

    I Interviewed the Creator of Jedi Academy's Lightsaber Combat and the MB II EU Admin

    I think you did the whole modding community as a whole justice. Well done videos dude, i hope it brings in more people interested
  18. Noob

    Any grahpics mod or lighting mod I can use to make MB2 look better?

    ENB's aren't really either lighting or graphic mods. They are more of an overlay which sorta artificially try to make it look better
  19. Noob

    if your bored

    u culd try getting good at rocksmith before you stream as a pro tip
  20. Noob

    if your bored

    dont tell me what to do dad :mad: