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  1. Duckshark

    Current fp drain in a nutshell

    This ain't a problem, this is proof that basic knockback works and serves to destroy shitty jedi. Also stop sayng you need to own MB2, out of everyone in the world, the last person who should run MB2 development is you. If you think that video demonstrates something about how weak jedi/sith are...
  2. Duckshark

    Current fp drain in a nutshell

    My man deskslamming after he held 1 button, ran in a predictable circle, didn't even do a shorthop or change direction, and put his face into the end of a CR3 that hit literally every shot in close range, but MUH FP DRAIN BROKEN HURR DURRR. Dude, just change direction, shorthop, hell, you know...
  3. Duckshark

    Flinch > barely functional knockback

    IMO as long as ariel knockback for swingblocking/blocking saberists is nudged up a tiny bit, it's fine as is. For some reason if you don't do HP damage, jumpswings have low knockback values, but otherwise given that slow-firing guns (P3, T-21 primary, etc) can outright onetap jedi on headshots...
  4. Duckshark

    Suggestion about wookies immunity to the Force.

    The difference between having to "get good" versus thinking something is broken is a fine line, but imho the criticism of the design of the class is warranted since the interaction boils down to the wookie strafing around like a drunkard and then holding W and M1 when close and the gunner doing...
  5. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1.1 Released

    That definitely needs something more obvious to trigger it since I knew that already and still forget in-game until it's too late a lot of the time.
  6. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1.1 Released

    I'd be cool with a free rally, on the sole condition that it be optional to take. Some maps, like DOTF, rally on defense is extremely strong, but on a map like lunarbase, the Imperial spawn can flank Rebs if you're backed into the objective room, so taking rally can ironically be worse there.
  7. Duckshark

    Technical Issue MBII opens but crashes as soon as it does That should have the answer. (Install some VC redistributables and retry)
  8. Duckshark

    Frenzy's 4:30AM ideas for melee changes

    I believe the large orange cloud that appears when you hit a cortosis SBD is not present when you hit a non-cortosis SBD with a lightsaber.
  9. Duckshark


    To be honest, I see your point, but I feel like this mentality assumes we had the terrible knockback and fp drain combination of last patch, where gunners outside of knockdown abilities like secnade had little chance in 1v1s vs jedi/sith. In its current form, slightly nerfing the one "cheesy"...
  10. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Kodar's thesis on defense is painfully accurate. Before the god-tier dodge of last patch, defense was the easiest way to win. Recall the minutes of camping people did around crucial junctions or objectives, where a firing line of a mando with westars, a ruptor, and some e11s could suppress a...
  11. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    On a serious note: Fixing dodge against snipers and increasing shots dodged at long-ultra long range (like the length of deathstar bridges to dotf main lengths) would make dodge 2 fair but still worth it (like 3 e11 bodyshots at deathstar bridge levels, and like a max of 5 down dotf main with...
  12. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

  13. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

  14. Duckshark


    I've heard about that. In my opinion, that was broken since it'd stop primaries and regular explosions from knocking you over as well. My suggestion is mainly just for the instances where one gunner has a secnade and wins a 1v1 because he spent 10/15 points buying one and camped a corner. I...
  15. Duckshark


    MB2 is balanced around knockdowns (Concussion blobs, concussion grenades, SBD and Jedi slap, Deka repulse, and more). Most knockdowns require skill or smart positioning to obtain: Concussion blobs require you to directly hit targets with a slower projectile, concussion grenades require good...
  16. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Excuse me what the fuck? Every single one of those ideas is terrible. Let's start with Jump 4. What happens if you can jump high and not lose bp, instead of having to use + jump? Duelists at low BP will simply jump up high, since their bp doesn't go down there is no punishment, and suddenly...
  17. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    You do realize in the previous patch lightning 3 was oneshotting players from full hp to 0, while disabling their guns, melee, and slowing them down, all while having a range the size of push 3? Unless you were jedi, strength 3 wookie, or maybe arc with dex 3, you had no chance to push a...
  18. Duckshark

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    POGGERS! And to quote @Fluffy |> ,
  19. Duckshark

    Mind Trick

    I went in-game and tested out a few gunner v jedi 1v1s with my inverted controls idea. What I found was that inverting the mouse up/down was already hard enough for level 3, and just mixing up WASD with regular aim is alright for level 1/2. If jedi could turn their saber on during the use of...
  20. Duckshark

