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  1. MaceMadunusus

    Third party Broken Maps

    This is due to a bug with MBII Client / OpenJK where if you try to run a dedicated server from the create a server menu, it doesn't properly go to a console. You can only start non-dedicated servers in OpenJK/MBII Client without it freaking out at the moment, you need to either use JAMP to...
  2. MaceMadunusus

    Technical Issue PB indicator not working since 1.6

    We don't have a fix, or a simple solution to fix it. The original PB indicator was badly made and caused crashes, optimizations in an attempt to make it not use a ton of temporary entities ended up breaking it. It needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch to work again, which to my knowledge...
  3. MaceMadunusus

    New UI Sucks

    Well you will have the option to switch to the old hybrid UI next update if you don't like it. But thank you for reminding me of a bug I still have to fix, I was literally just like "I know I forgot to do something but my brain wont remember it right now".
  4. MaceMadunusus

    Technical Issue Console command/shortcuts for joining team/spec?

    There isn't any console commands, its driven by 3 ui scripts, and a temporary ui cvar. I am unaware of any way to run these scripts via console. You can join spectator by using "/cmd team s" I believe. However, that command will not work for the other teams, as it will cause massive class...
  5. MaceMadunusus

    reply_stay2 (stop) needs its audio clip trimmed

    It appears that its more than just this single audio file. As some that I looked at have a 0.25-0,35 second delay. However, I don't personally have time to go through the files right now to fix.
  6. MaceMadunusus

    Exact value for delay between ee3's snipermode shots?

    X's are info that is not currently available, but will be later. However it goes like this: Damage Fire Rate Projectile Speed Projectile Color Standing Accuracy Walking Accuracy Running Accuracy Jumping/Falling Accuracy Close Range Drains (Within IDR) Far Range Drains (Outside IDR) Reload Time...
  7. MaceMadunusus

    New UI Sucks

    Having the game remember what you last played as after closing the game, or changing servers, might be pretty annoying to implement. That adds so much complication to even just the menu side of things. Like, the UI has to know which UI version you're running (based on UI preset values of which...
  8. MaceMadunusus

    Ha, there is still quite a lot of us still around. Mcbober, Spaghetti, Tempest, Lindsey...

    Ha, there is still quite a lot of us still around. Mcbober, Spaghetti, Tempest, Lindsey, Redsaurus, and more of us are still actively or semi-actively working on things. This is mb2 dude, a lot of us aren't going anywhere for a while.
  9. MaceMadunusus

    Where can i play the newmap? mb2_duel_cargoheist

    Why are you so fucking hostile jesus christ. No he wouldn't say something like that, because that is dumb and he knows better, plus the fact that we have other maps just like it. Like rcbridge duel.
  10. MaceMadunusus

    Where can i play the newmap? mb2_duel_cargoheist

    Not really meant for jedi/sith anyway. More a small gunner FA duel map.
  11. MaceMadunusus

    New UI Sucks

    This is from the second tutorial available, that is after that first bit. "If you type in the name as "default" and save as that then that will make your current points the default configuration you begin as when...
  12. MaceMadunusus

    New UI Sucks

    Did you play the tutorial? It literally tells you you can do that by setting your points, and overwriting the Default config. It will auto pick that on join, so you only need to click team -> class -> okay, if you're in a rush. 1 click joining is literally not possible with multiple teams...
  13. MaceMadunusus

    Was the Payload ever delivered?

    It is still in the works. Likely will be delivered in 2-3 phases.
  14. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    Well there wasn't much of that in this update so people are mainly talking about new stuff. Well, so far gamestats is proving several of my design changes in DOTF v2 was right. ;) They dim when they're in the center, and you can choose smaller icons in the options if they are in the way too...
  15. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    You're not an imposter right? lol. This community is the prime example of mountains out of mole hills. Also: Hybrid new menus (new main menus, settings menus, classic class select) is in now too. Though won't have the new features and won't be fully supported going forward. Could possibly...
  16. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    There. I am back and I did what I said I would.
  17. MaceMadunusus

    You ask to remove dodge,but what about disruptor,some deka and SBD nerfs?

    Don't think this should be a thing after the most recent SBD update. When I updated the map I was sure to copy the size of the old boxes over which meant SBD couldnt shoot (though I missed a box at first), then some adjustments happened and SBD could shoot, but the shooting location has been...
  18. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    Its not 3 lines of code. Its a minimum of 84. 3 lines x 4 files x 7 items per file. Plus lines you may have to adjust in the menu opening lines and then testing to make sure you didnt miss stuff in each menu config etc. How do you also know people prefer the way you prefer? I havenmy default...
  19. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    Annoying us is not what to do. It would have already been in this hotfix if I didn't have to help with someone elses wedding stuff immediately after releasing 1.7. The possible being an option thing is in regards to being a choice which one to chose from, not in regard to what will be default...
  20. MaceMadunusus

    MovieBattles II V1.7.0.2 Released

    Spaghetti responded to you about this directly in the other thread, it will be changed. Not sure what the point is to bringing it up again.