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  1. ent

    Launcher Cannot install, Microsoft .NET Framework

    Take a screenshot of files inside GameData/ and GameData/base/.
  2. ent

    Launcher Cannot install, Microsoft .NET Framework

    Custom folder path works fine (I have it so). What's shown in Details? Try to run the launcher with admin rights.
  3. ent

    Hosting Server Issue with dedicated server on Raspberry pi 2 (ARM).

    Did you try to rename? It cannot find the file at all but it exists. Did you put the file in the correct folder? Could you also try to put the file into a pk3 file (it's a zip file). Try with and without "lib-" prefix.
  4. ent

    Hosting Server Issue with dedicated server on Raspberry pi 2 (ARM).

    Could you try this: The "lib" prefix should stay, but if it fails then remove it.
  5. ent

    Hosting Server Issue with dedicated server on Raspberry pi 2 (ARM).

    Unfortunately we did not make arm binaries on the latest release.
  6. ent

    [SOLVED] Mac Crash on Joining

    You can use the launcher via mono: Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
  7. ent

    [SOLVED] Mac Crash on Joining

    Hello. It's a version mismatch error. You suppose to have v1.4.4 of the game.
  8. ent

    Making Voice Lines For MBII Models

    Not MBII, but Jedi Academy itself. You said it was picky so you know it showed an error in the console what exactly you did wrong - you could try to just fix it by reading the message. For kids that love big numbers in creating audio files: Sound problems - Modding Assistance - JKHub
  9. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    No idea, so I am asking you to show how you start each of the games.
  10. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    That's what's missing in the MBII loading log. I guess MBII forces to use local dir for executing? Could you show startup parameters for vanilla and for MBII?
  11. ent

    Xhair settingd

    cg_dynamicCrosshair 0, actually. Your way works because of autocompletion. About dynamic crosshair: Source: Cvars suggestion :)) You better leave cg_dynamicCrosshair enabled to have a proper aiming experience. It's better to create an overriding pk3 file with the same texture file and its path...
  12. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    Just after loading into menu, do /condump log.txt It should be saved into ./base or something.
  13. ent

    jaMME question

    mme_worldShader "shaderName" Try with build-in shaders: mme_worldShader "mme/green". P.S.: hope Bambi is alright now.
  14. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    It's not the full log, it does not start with "OpenJK-MP: v1.0.1.0 linux-i386 Jan 21 2017".
  15. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    Show the log when you are loading the vanilla game, please.
  16. ent

    [SOLVED] Linux Mint 17, OpenJK and MB2

    You are not loading assets0-3 files from "base" folder. That's where the original game is. Make sure you have them copied over.
  17. ent

    [SOLVED] Command to turn off chat

    Set cg_chatBox to 0. That cvar represents time in milliseconds of how long the chat box will stay visible since the last message.
  18. ent

    Technical Issue Please start the game via launcher and keep it running!

    And that's what he said. None of devs actually have seen what engine was running, how it was started, what config it was using. Too many unknown variables. So that his statement is not confirmed. But I am not also saying that he is wrong - just no confirmed. He seemed messed up with jasp and...
  19. ent

    [SOLVED] Some Wierd File wont load or Something

    [deleted] PuppytiMe2furious.