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  1. Lessen

    SBD Speed

    I think what I would dislike the most about such a... deterministic "truly skillful" gunning environment would be that it would no longer be "conversational." By which I mean, with slow targets and fast projectiles, you wouldn't need to weigh as much what the enemy is thinking, you would just...
  2. Lessen

    SBD Speed

    iirc Achilles's argument is that since the classes are so fast moving and can change direction so immediately, and shots aren't instant, and such, then the best you can do for any given shot is make a guess about where to shoot. IMO when I'm playing badly, my guesses are very lazy, I pay loose...
  3. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    Disagree that it's bad design for the "generic mook" class to be strongst in numbers. Although I'm not sure if you were necessarily arguing to the contrary. Soldier isn't knock-down focused, it's an expendable bit of firepower, and by virtue of being expendable, it can also afford to do risky...
  4. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    Strongly disagree that soldiers are just a nade platform. Strongly disagree that a 3 life class should have the tools to be individually as dangerous as one life classes, but I will say that another reason why they're so good when spammed is because they can be totally routed twice (by nades and...
  5. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    I feel like this is a goofy idea since Soldiers are fundamentally the expendable, unspecialized class, so it's contradictory to their design to allow them to focus towards being more individually significant per-life. They're the generic baddie who's main job is firing their gun, second job is...
  6. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    Sure but that is necessarily a loss of function (as in: there may be cases where you may or may not want to respawn at the Rally, and if you remove Assemble from yourself then you lose your ability to make that choice), and it does nothing to solve the basic problem that people don't know that...
  7. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    Well, that's more a matter of bad, uh, UI. Like, all it takes to solve that is to add a red flashing "respawning at Rally Point... hold x to ignore rally point", and when you hold x it changes to saying "respawning at spawn point..."
  8. Lessen

    Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future

    Isn't there something like.. you can hold one of the Class Special buttons while spawning to ignore a Rally point? Or something like that? tbh as far as MB2's current design vs its "metagame," as it is, I feel like massed soldiers are MEANT to be the core of the team (aside from the essential...
  9. Lessen

    ARC Insta-Getup (Very Illegal!)

    @Shalak Que I, er, yes. I said in the OP: "While in Melee" and "DEXTERITY 3." Not sure why you're restating what I said. But whoops yeah I forgot to mention you have to be touching the ground. And I'm not entirely sure what you mean about it not working on rolls. It works on the "rolls" that...
  10. Lessen

    SBD Speed

    Isn't Gink's strategy mostly to crouch+deflect until you get impatient, though? Orrrrr... Also, can they still go neck and neck when you have Cortosis? I don't actually fully understand Cortosis mechanics. It blocks less if your battery is lower, right? And getting hit drains battery, so...
  11. Lessen

    1.4.5 Sabering Open Beta!

    Since you said something this completely inane, can everyone just ignore you now? Can we do that? We should do that.
  12. Lessen

    Finally joined the forums.

    @SneakDissing Huh? Aren't you making considerable assumptions about what I was thinking when I changed my name to "lessen"? I also don't know what assumptions you're making that make you assert that my pseudo-clan collective group squad fun thing is Stupid Ass, but hey, opinions, what can ya do...
  13. Lessen

    Finally joined the forums.

    Damn I think this is the first time I've seen SneakDissing actually dissing someone. My impression of him was that he's usually pretty good-natured.
  14. Lessen

    April 1st Update Released!

    In all seriousness, from what I saw from being in game for about five seconds, it looks about the same as if you set the texture quality cvar to something really low and changed the interpolation cvar to nearest neighbor. (which is a thing you can do, for reference. I forget the details. I did...
  15. Lessen

    New Forum Font

    in Teef's defense (oh wow Teef is back? Been a while.), in Teef's defense, in Teef's defense, black font on white paper is usually read in some lighting that's not HOTTER THAN THE SUN, whereas screens are, by their nature, very very bright. Yes, Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc all...
  16. Lessen

    April 1st Update Released!

    Not sure what your point was, but I'm pretty sure Version 2 is the one we've had for a while now. Version 1 would be, I guess, the one where there was a throne panel in the back of gen pit, and "Version 3" would be the super pretty, ostensibly revolutionary future one that's still mostly a...
  17. Lessen

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Fully aware that this is an April Fool's post, I was still a little excited for a moment, hoping that it made every character Jar Jar. That would've been a legit fun patch right there. But "super crashy!" "ears blow up"? :^(
  18. Lessen

    Cultist Time

    hallelujah, videolord returneth. 5 seconds in and i'm already laughing harder than I have in at least a day
  19. Lessen

    Mandalorian Improvement: Jetpack activation

    Oh interesting. Also, I know I already said this but I guess it was in another thread, personally I've changed my mind about this idea. I like the vulnerability. Meanwhile, my other ideas about manual LMB/RMB dual pistol control, fixing dual pistol crosshair accuracy a bit, fixing first person...