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  1. Noob

    switching styles in battle?

    I sometimes have red along with yellow for surprise RDFA. I switch style to red and immediately RDFA. To them it looks like I do it from yellow. Also nice to get a stagger in and switch back to yellow to gain acm in that moment
  2. Noob

    SERVER EXE Paroxysm Community voting

    Rules: 1. Keep teams even (Skill overrules number of players) 2. Don't tk a lot 3. Don't be a whiny ass 4. Don't be Jim/Gregor/FO Kylo Ren At our Seattle based server we offer RTV Open mode with community maps included. No one has really done this before so if there are any maps you feel are...
  3. Noob

    Adjustments to General Gameplay

  4. Noob

    Adjustments to General Gameplay

    basically making pull useless. it aleady sucks enough it doesnt have a aoe, why making it comparable to push vulnerability with crosshair aiming only?
  5. Noob

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    @Richard Nixon It's probably the frequency of certain sound byes being repeated for taunts. For example some sound byes for certain characters cover Taunt1-taunt3 and so on. You can easily change the outcome of one more than the other by making it more frequent in the files. If it's to do with...
  6. Noob

    Technical Issue Weird square graphical glitch?

    Go to launcher, hit repair
  7. Noob

    CLAN {EXE}

    Updated for our new edgy year of 2018
  8. Noob

    Why there are no servers where only gunners can play

    this could easily be made an event or new game mode. Could replace the never used Semi Authentic, unless if ctf is going to be replacing it....
  9. Noob

    FTG Recruitment 2018!

    when are you going to unban me
  10. Noob

    Abusive Player on Official Duel Server

    well you know. Twice the pride, double the FALL
  11. Noob

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    theres a reason he dont have it. you want it? you do it. peneke aint ur bitch. he's my man :rolleyes:
  12. Noob

    Technical Issue VM_Create on UI failed

    pretty much anything other than steam that can cause a game overlay would be your first thing to check. that includes but isnt limited to: game recording software; chat software like discord or skype; opengl filters like QEffects.
  13. Noob

    [Guide] Port Forwarding

    master server is i think theres some sort of dedicated server line you have to add to your jampded.exe. do some more research
  14. Noob

    [Guide] Port Forwarding

    29070. different ports are for if you are hosting multiple servers on same IP i think
  15. Noob


    i think you need to go play on AOD WeenyHutJrs .... whiny ass you arent ready for tR SaltySpitoon
  16. Noob

    Moviebattles Official Discord Server

    ur bannd
  17. Noob

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    uhhhhhh new map inc?
  18. Noob

    Abusive admins (not sure if official server)

    i didnt know you use to be admin on AOD/BG/Insert other server here
  19. Noob

    newbie here

    welcome, here you will find racist shitters and ego maniacs. observe @Ginkobum13
  20. Noob

    Abusive admins (not sure if official server)

    this post is not useful to anyone without the name of server and the name of the person. Yes most servers are crybaby honor followers, go play a diff server