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  1. Rene

    How much of the Saber system is being changed next update?

    Even lunge? Sounds great.
  2. Rene

    How much of the Saber system is being changed next update?

    I have the only one question to you guys: will you nerf the goddamn katas? Why in previous patches we could pblock and even mblock this shit and now all you can do is to dodge it? They are immune to anything except some melee tricks. Pl0x resbond!
  3. Rene

    Can someone tell me how to ignore on this forum? I got tired of qwerty.He sends me private...

    Can someone tell me how to ignore on this forum? I got tired of qwerty.He sends me private messages talking about dicks, buttholes, gays etc
  4. Rene

    MBII EU Duel admins

    Cool picture, bro. Can I save it?
  5. Rene

    MBII EU Duel admins

    Okay kids, I'm going to tell you a story that happened to me recently. I was playing on Duel server as usual. Walking around, taunting, messing with guys from Cult, you know. Until the bluefag came. He wanted to fight me, but I said, that I won't duel with bluefags, since in my opinion blue is a...