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  1. Preston

    Moviebattles II V1.7.2 Released

    Highly disagree, if anything wrist laser has gotten significantly better over the years, not the opposite. It's incredible when used correctly and Imo is much better than a flame thrower is.
  2. Preston

    Flinch > barely functional knockback

    Knockback on gunners makes my pp hard
  3. Preston

    [VIDEO] Advanced Dueling Tips & Techniques for Beginners & More

    #1 Wook NA, and only #2 Duelist... this man is slipping..
  4. Preston

    Flinch > barely functional knockback

    please no. flinch was the worst thing for both sides.
  5. Preston

    Frenzy's 4:30AM ideas for melee changes

    If they can be implemented, then yeah about 90% of these sound really fun.
  6. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Reverted to pre bugged damage
  7. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Also meditate doesn't gain BP anymore, not sure if it did before but im pretty sure it did.
  8. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Yeah SBD needs some major love still, practically the lowest fp drains of any gun, has a battery that is horrible unless you have level 3, making most sbds run the same build which leads to boring gameplay in both sides
  9. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    So after playing for a bit with the patch I got some thoughts. Overall the patch is fairly good but it went too far in places. Dodge went to one extreme of being very broken last patch to being completely useless now in this patch. I like the changes of it not working at closer range, and HS...
  10. Preston


    Best and easiest solution right here devs
  11. Preston


    Could always make the nades not knock you down if sec naded unless you're a jedi for balance reasons, and make it stagger every other class.
  12. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    El o l
  13. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Yep couldnt if said it better myself :)
  14. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Cause lightning was ridiculous
  15. Preston

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    Great job on the update, definetly like the overall direction if the last couple updates. Still would like to see some potential buffs to SBD fp drains, and some battery buffs.
  16. Preston


    Likely story BUD...
  17. Preston


    meh I don't care, at least it would incentivize somewhat playing as a team
  18. Preston

    rage wookiee

    I'm assuming he meant choke points for defense, example being t-junction or fed for dotf
  19. Preston

    rage wookiee

    Idk why people think wookie is op against a lone* sith. As a sith if you are alone and die by a wookie then its 100% your fault. You have sense so you should be able to see him around the corner camping a mile away, and if he has rage then you literally just hang onto a wall for 5 seconds while...
  20. Preston

    New UI Sucks

    Something like this Ive wanted for a long long time. If there were a ability to set a default model and hilt for each class that would save tons of time in itself.