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  1. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    Obviously i don't, but you don't have info regarding the situation we were in for the release of v1.5. We wanted to get a release going for the Solo movie, without delaying anymore. However open betas still hadn't nearly reached a conclusive state, and there wasn't nearly enough time to do more...
  2. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    This is funny really, is all that's wrong with the patch purple stab being able to hit people multiple times ? Is there a need for all this hate just for that ? It was even stated that this was a bug which was found right before release and couldn't be fixed in time. And apart from that, stab...
  3. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    Yes, it was tested several times like everything else. There was no opposition voiced towards it apart from about 1 person out of 10, hence it staying. Turns out internal testing wasn't enough to get a clear idea about it being too strong.
  4. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    Yes, i don't have disproportionate influence about anything, and everything i do is literally exclusively based on feedback. Don't believe it if you want, doesn't stop it from being a fact. I dunno exactly what kind of rumors are going on on discord lately, but they're probably based off of me...
  5. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    It's just harmless trolling really. These people have no actual info about what's going on and simply need a scapegoat for any issue they have.
  6. Stassin

    Gas Stassin: A Modest Proposal

    You're missing the main point: with 2 or 3 people within the dev team already disagreeing on gameplay directions, imagine the number of people disagreeing within a "Senate", let alone the entire community. Without giving someone some executive "power", nothing is ever going to get done. Even if...
  7. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    Was only talking about dodge in the last sentence, lol.
  8. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    Haven't played any gunning this patch yet, but as for the previous patches i can say that consistently manually dodging blasterfire at midrange (from 1/3 to 1/2 of dotf corridor's length) is a thing, and sniper rifles at long range (up to full dotf corridor length) aswell. Using the dodge...
  9. Stassin

    Jedi vs Droideka is COMPLETELY BROKEN

    Personally i don't think any of the pulse/ion buffs were warranted vs deka, particularly as i'd polished them enough in previous builds... but enough of that. If discharge is to be given in the class config as separate from PM/QD and potentially stacking with them, it might not be such a good...
  10. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    BTW @ez.HTD in case deka gets discharge by default is it fine for PM to no longer be used via altattack but instead special 2 ? since PM mode toggle is currently both on special 2 and on toggletriple3, it would then only be on toggletriple3 which is just fine. yes ?
  11. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    Obviously, it is still too early for opinions to be properly settled and to make any decisions, but as Ben already said an interesting compromise could be to keep the increased speed for some guns (low ROF guns) and revert it for others (high ROF guns).
  12. Stassin

    Feedback Thread: 1.5

    As for staff i rather dislike the idea of reducing its BP because being tanky is what defines it. Rather its offensive potential should be reduced. Since the issue is specifically that it is hard to PB, how about giving it the same chaining direction restrictions as Red ? That won't prevent it...
  13. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    That's not set in stone just yet. This thread and poll are only probing, and getting information. Big EDIT: Why so impatient, organic ? Oh... right... your limited lifespan and unstable organism urge you to rush through both decisions and existence.
  14. Stassin

    v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion

    Alright folks this is a pretty crucial subject for the mod's gameplay, and even though it seemed to receive mostly positive feedback during the previous open betas, hence its addition in v1.5, now the feedback appears to be quite divided on the subject with both very positive and very negative...
  15. Stassin

    MovieBattles II Version 1.5 Released

    Not much. The stab in its current form definitely isn't OP (at all) in terms of being unavoidable and impossible to counter, some players can attest to that. Moreover given the current state of purple removing it would destroy the style along with its uniqueness. Nevertheless i've seen...
  16. Stassin

    MovieBattles II Version 1.5 Released

    Good, good... let the piercing, striking, melting superheated crimson laser gaze of yours truly strike fear into your feeble organic hearts... and to avoid your inevitable death from old age itself take a step towards true evolution becoming cyborg underlings to us superior mechanical droids...
  17. Stassin

    Feedback Thread: 1.5

    Countering/halfswinging mechanics are the exact same as the previous build without a single doubt. EDIT: the animations have not been changed at all.
  18. Stassin

    MovieBattles II Version 1.5 Released

    I would personally like nothing more than to readd nudge and even blocking animations on saber clashes for more visual variety and immersion (and it wouldn't even change the gameplay much at all except maybe for red style), but too many people push against it. Unfortunate.
  19. Stassin

    Modifying and removing character's voices.

    Except everyone else will still hear the default ones unless they change them aswell.
  20. Stassin


    Deals 47 base damage, headshots are 3.0x. 140+ dmg on headshot, not 70-80.