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  1. Fuse294

    Unconfirmed Force Seeing Bug: Auto-Deactivates

    I added it to the list of known bugs for R20 a couple days ago when you first mentioned it.
  2. Fuse294

    Unconfirmed Force Seeing Bug: Auto-Deactivates

    This is a known issue that seems to occur randomly, sometimes sense works, other times it doesn't.
  3. Fuse294

    R20 Update - List of known bugs

    Here is an official list of known bugs found in the R20 release, this will be updated when issues are found and fixed. General: - Ghoul2 Errors - "Start from launcher" error - B1 Battle Droid E-11 (E5) Model in First Person (Fixed for next patch) - Bowcaster Name (Fixed) - Wookiee Melee Block...
  4. Fuse294

    MBII dream

    Sounds like an awesome dream, let your dreams become memes.
  5. Fuse294

    Hosting Server Giving players items/weapons [Plugin]

    No such command exists, !spin is the only way to get things outside what you can purchase with points in open or are assigned in legends. A lot of that MBIIEZ Spin stuff is outdated and hasn't worked in forever.
  6. Fuse294

    No longer looking

  7. Fuse294

    No longer looking

    You should also try asking on JKHub.
  8. Fuse294

    Feedback Thread: v1.11 Open Beta #2 - May 31st 2024

    Bobs FA for Hrakert Station was also fixed for this open beta.
  9. Fuse294

    trying to reach someone from CA

    For the sake of transparency, our moderation policy is very clear in that any and all action a moderator takes, even if it's just a 1 minute mute MUST be recorded in our discord, this allows us to track not just the rule breakers but also our server staff, our smod punishment guide is also very...
  10. Fuse294

    trying to reach someone from CA

    We have only so much patience for trolling, with that said a recent issue with mishandling of mod ingame has the CA Staff Team re-evaluating who get's SMOD and what powers are given with it, @Jedirep. if you dm me in discord I'll handle this for you.
  11. Fuse294

    MB2 Official Character Creation Resources (FA Building)

    Recommended Program for creating a .mbch file: Notepad++ Recommendations - In Notepad++ Use "Style Configurator" to get colors in the notepad to highlight the various code, normal text will be one color, numbers will show up in a different one and anything in quotations will be another...
  12. Fuse294

    MB2 Official Character Creation Resources (FA Building)

    Hey guys, Fuse here with a couple of links to resources that can help you when trying to create your own custom Full Authentic Characters. MBCH File Values - This page will gives you the most in-depth list of everything you might want to include in your .mbch files when creating and updating a...
  13. Fuse294

    20th Anniversary Update Open Beta

    Finally! Y'all are taking forever. :kitfisto::anilaff::waytogo:
  14. Fuse294

    Add a Sullustan Jedi skin

    No way the devs are going to add a single skin at the request of a single person, find a skinpack :)
  15. Fuse294

    Moviebattles II Version 1.10 Released

    You can download previous versions Here
  16. Fuse294

    Technical Issue Can't run the game because of the launcher

    I'm going to assume you've already tried it but posting this here anyway Installation & Troubleshooting Guide
  17. Fuse294

    [VIDEO] Aimbotter playing on EU official Open server

    They may be real but that doesn't make you not crazy.
  18. Fuse294

    threepwood, someone did stop him..

    Why the fuck you reviving a 3 years dead thread?