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  1. MaceMadunusus

    General feedback on the new patches

    Mountain isn't even a good enough descriptor. It took me at least 200 hours in July of 2019 just redoing the base parts of the main menu and settings menu. Something that would have taken me 20 hours to do in UE4 took 10x the time. Spaghetti literally had to develop completely new tools to deal...
  2. MaceMadunusus

    Dev Diary - New Launcher and Open Beta - A Guide

    For sabering there will probably be one. For CTF for now probably not, unless enough people join where we can fill the full US server. But so far we haven't been close. It would be really appreciated for EU people to deal with higher ping to get things tested, as sometimes we just need bodies of...
  3. MaceMadunusus

    Dev Diary - New Launcher and Open Beta - A Guide

    Do you want us testing the new system to make sure it all works with the more important beta, or the one of less consequence? We can run CTF beta for a single night to get some testing in, fix some things, run it again. Sabering beta has to be run for a week or two straight kinda thing. Gotta...
  4. MaceMadunusus

    Dev Diary - New Launcher and Open Beta - A Guide

    Try openjk next, doublechecking known issues for openjk things
  5. MaceMadunusus

    Dev Diary - New Launcher and Open Beta - A Guide

    Look at the known issues above the download. First one specifically.
  6. MaceMadunusus

    General feedback on the new patches

    button discoverability is a problem yes. If the big button at the bottom right (normal location and matches progression flow within the menu) that is separated from the main panel that says OKAY, APPLY, CANCEL, etc is hard to properly flow through that is a you problem. If you can tell the...
  7. MaceMadunusus

    General feedback on the new patches

    This seems like a very odd bit of feedback that seems like more of a you problem, then a UI problem. Maybe just too used to the way the old things were? I personally think its very clear where the buttons are, as the shapes are different for the main buttons and they're in clear and consistent...
  8. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Hotfix Released

    Because we needed to see how much things would be affected, specially in conjunction with the damage fix on charge shots, before we determine how much the weapons needed to be nerfed. All of us expected there would be a nerf, but if we do multiple things at the same time we cannot see the proper...
  9. MaceMadunusus

    Fixed Recent hotfix crash issues

    Do /cg_hudfiles ui/mb_hud.txt in the console, or go to Settings -> UI -> HUD Layout, and select Alpha, then hit apply. Basically this means at some point in the past, something set your cg_hudfiles cvar to something else. (The cvar was forced back to ui/mb_hud.txt even if it was something else...
  10. MaceMadunusus

    Fixed Mandalorian Westars

    Dude stop being a cunt, if we ask for higher resolution footage, just give it rather than assuming we are blind. We are trying to see if there is something else in the footage that would tell us what the fuck is going on and help us diagnose the fucking problem. Douche. Now, as for what is...
  11. MaceMadunusus

    Fixed Mandalorian Westars

    Yes that one is decently clear enough, I don't know what exactly happened there because shots from westers should not be originating from camera, and the camera shouldn't have clipped into the patch mesh at all at that point. However, in the first video I can't see shit. Theres this weird flash...
  12. MaceMadunusus

    Fixed Mandalorian Westars

    The problem is you need more than just a description of what is happening and a small res video. Higher res videos help see what is happening more clearly. Like the other day a bug video was posted, but I had to blow it up and slow it down to see what was actually happening. What happened when...
  13. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    The heatmap for classic DOTF is way worse. This heatmap proves what I did was a large improvement. Is it perfect? Fuck no, and I never said it was, and I even said I needed help to make it better. But did I get that? Fuck no. Is DOTF an easy map to work around because of Hangar, Gen, and Thrones...
  14. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    DS took a long time took at least 6 months for a relatively small set of changes and I personally don't think that they addressed all of the issues with DS, but its good enough. None of the level designers have the free time they used to, which means even though we are faster at making things...
  15. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    If you want to wait 10 years sure.
  16. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    I think several of us believe that the pulse grenade radius nerf was probably a bit too much, so it'll probably get bumped back up, but not all the way to where it was. However, the old radius could hit almost half of DS TIE hangar... it was pretty large.
  17. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    CTF should hopefully be out this summer, its mainly ready now but its waiting on launcher open beta to get a proper respawn timer setup cause we don't have enough testers to test it. And the new round thing is something we can fix, I never paid attention that it was an issue.
  18. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    There is a way to disable it. However, it is not dumb. Look at CSGO, Valorant, etc. They also have the score next to the timer like that and share some of the core game ideas. Yes you can say that rounds matter less in mb2 than those games, but thats only a problem because servers set absurd...
  19. MaceMadunusus

    How to edit font / text size

    Team overlay it isnt currently possible because I ran out of time before release (I noted this in the changelog) but will be possible in the future. However, scoreboard and timer are possible. You just modify mb_hud_timer and mb_hud_scoreboard instead. Those are a bit more complicated than the...
  20. MaceMadunusus

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    Like noted in the patch notes, team overlay will be getting further options, improvements, tweaks. Just didn't have time before release to finish that.