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  1. eksha

    Thoughts regarding movement

    Please don't try to make my MB2 into a shitty CS clone with slow-ass movement. If anything could be improved, the weapon damage and spread should be toned down to make it less random or "luck-based" as you call it, but don't even think about nerfing movement. Being able to change your direction...
  2. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    They're actually abused a lot, at least in EU region. That's also another reason why I proposed 60 fps low cap instead of 30.
  3. eksha

    f u n

    f u n
  4. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    Yep, just tested it and it actually makes a little difference. 125 appears to be a bit smoother than 23.
  5. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    It has to do exactly what I've said. Have you ever tried gaming on a 30hz TV screen? Yeah I went hard on the lad there and I'm willing to help him get better FPS :/ Wish I could just openly say why I want the cap to be as high as possible though. As I mentioned before, you can cap framerate at...
  6. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    It's proven that you should be able to use whatever you want. Personally, I like experimenting with FOV settings and what not. Also, what about the settings I've suggested like playerLean, kickScale and screenDamage? A good value (good in a way that it offers low ping) for cl_maxPackets is 23...
  7. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    If you're on a 30hz TV you won't see the difference beyond 30 fps anyway, and if you're on a proper computer screen the more fps the better. Consistently shitty fluidity < improved fluidity. So please, dear ser, fuck off with your petty trolling attemps. Thus, you can cap fps using external...
  8. eksha

    Cvars suggestion :))

    I would like to have the following cvars unlocked: cg_gunX cg_gunY cg_gunZ - all of these should be allowed to be set from -10 to 10. The only thing they do is change the position of your gun model in first person view. It doesn't affect ANYTHING else. For example, you could make gun models...
  9. eksha

    Jedi ability to protect the ones behind them

    That's not a problem of mechanics or how the game works, that's just how most people play the game on pubs.
  10. eksha

    Jedi ability to protect the ones behind them

    Don't like the sound of that. There's a fine line between a good support saberist and a dude who doesn't quite understand/care how to defend his gunners and it should stay that way. Sorry if that sounds rude or anything, but I've seen some proper support jedi/sith and this problem doesn't really...
  11. eksha

    Updated Models

    Not really, but you could make a pack that just replaces all unoptimized models with performance-friendly ones instead. Actually I'm thinking about this myself. Making a good pack for the competitive crowd. One really good model with LODs for each class. Sounds fucking sweet :))
  12. eksha

    Updated Models

    Yes, indeed, if MB2 needs anything done with the models, it's consistency and most importantly, LODs. You can easily recognise some base models having 3 LODs (like the Jedi Trainer or Kyle) or 2 LODs set up for them and most of the custom models don't have any. If anybody's wondering how exactly...
  13. eksha

    [SOLVED] mouse problems please help

    Alright, first off, get the latest OpenJK build from index · powered by h5ai 0.26.1 ( Once you have it installed, use openjk.x86.exe or just replace your jamp.exe with the new openjk executable. The cvar you're interested in is in_mouse 2 which enables raw input. Open...
  14. eksha

    Thoughts regarding movement

    Imo SBD just needs a higher StepHeight value so it can actually step over those seemingly tiny obstacles. I propose making it scale proportionally with the model size or if that ends up working badly just manually setting it for each class/FA char. That would make sense and be both realistic and...
  15. eksha


  16. eksha

    Unlagged netcode in MB2 [netcode]

    Not sure if anybody is going to bother with this, but implementing this would improve gameplay quality A LOT. Basically what this allows is to have truly unlagged hitscan weapons and much more. If you have your crosshair on somebody and shoot it will always register as a hit without any delay...
  17. eksha

    EU player base

    Yeah, let's do this
  18. eksha

    Technical Issue Sound bug

    Don't use EAX. In all honesty, that's the only solution. EAX doesn't work properly in MP anyway. You either get used to the ear rape for some competitive edge or you disable it.
  19. eksha

    expect you can already make a custom hud using simple hud and cg_hudfiles commands

    expect you can already make a custom hud using simple hud and cg_hudfiles commands